Wilso wrote:Yesterday when I got home from work, it was sitting on my front step waiting for me, and last night I found myself buying cat food. I don't wear it's living, but as soon as I put the food down, it's suddenly there. It's quite affectionate now. It even walked through my front door this afternoon and had a bit of a look around. I think I've got to work out how to get it clean. I can't help but wonder how this happened.
~ Wilso ~ it happened because you have a good heart and all animals can sense this about a person! Your right on the nose ~ you've definitely been adopted. I have fed neighborhood cats before, they visit then go on there merry way. But your new friend likes you. She's curious about you and receptive to you. In my book, Wilso, that says an awful lot about you!
~ If you decide to make kitty a part of your family, here are some tips I thought might help you.
~ It's important to get your new friend to the vet for an examination and tests for disease. You should find out the general health of your new friend, and whether she's been neutered/spayed. The vet can also give you approximate age. It's very important to get those all important shots (vaccinations) for kitty whether or not she is going to be and indoor/outdoor cat.
~ Generally, the vet can groom kitty as well, get her nails clipped, give a bath, flea dip and clean her ears. Even if your new friend is a male, please consider getting him neutered/spayed if this hasn't already been done. It is a real problem (unwanted cats) and there are low cost neutering/spay clinics available.
~ Most of all, enjoy your new friend. One of my kitty's, Angie, adopted me as well ~ when she was about 2 years old. She's approximately 15 years old now and a very precious soul indeed! Best of Luck to you and the new furball in your life, he/she is very fortunate to have found you.