No, she's acting fine. Eating OK. Meowing for a scratch on the head. No change at all.
Well, I'm mystified then, Wilso. Let's see what the vet says.
Poor kitty! I hope she's ok.
It does sound as though it could be epilepsy - i first thought of poison but she wouldn't have magically recovered from that.
I do hope all goes well.
Any name yet?
She obviously loves you!
Yes, she does! And I'm so pleased that she's no longer a little orphan on the streets.
She's definitely winning me over (no name yet). She's very domesticated, uses the litter box, follows me when she wants some attention, and of course, spends most of her time asleep in front of the heater.
Just the place for a cat in winter, Wilso!
the trust is so endearing isn't it?
I've just come back from lunch at my parents, with Rosie! I keep taking her up to keep her used to the car and them so that she won't be upset when they catsit when we go on holiday.
She doesn't like the car but isn't frightened by it, i think she sees it as an extension of her territory.
Trouble is, they went to France for a month and so she hasn't been for quite some time.
She flatly refused to come out of her travelling box, acted as though there were monsters waiting to eat her up - ignored the offerings of cream - the minute the box was in the car to go home she was sitting perkily looking out at me and we had the paw holding - she flaps her paw out and i have to drive home holding the paw while she looks all happy and blissful!
what time is it in Oz - must be early am??? cos it's 4.20pm ish here - you an Wilso are early risers?????
It's around 1:30 am, Vivien. Am wide awake for no good reason.
thanks! I seem to be on a different time zone to most posters and get replies the next day usually.
We visited the vet this afternoon and the news isn't good. This cat is old. Her kidneys are shrunken and are not working very well. She's very scruffy because her teeth are rotten and she's got a gum infection which makes it hard for her to groom herself. He didn't think it was worthwhile doing a lot of expensive tests to find out why she had a fit and was getting close to the point where you'd consider putting her down. Since she doesn't seem to be in too much pain and is reasonably contented I decided not to go that far at this stage. She got an antibiotic shot and some pills to deal with her gum infection. So it's looks like she's picked me up as her retirement home.
Oh dear.
Well, she is a lucky pussy cat, it seems to me - to get to live her last days in comfort and company.
But - now you know you really want a cat, no????
That's very sad for you, Wilso. But lucky for the poor old puss whose found shelter for the winter. She'll be grateful for you & your home as the days get colder. I have had to "hold the paw" of many an old cat, seeing out its days. <sigh>
that's so sad. at least she'll live out her remaining days happily with you Wilso. She sounds a sweetie
Then a kitten? or two?
That's so sad. As the others said, atleast she has a comfortable place to spend her last days. After she passes, I assume you'll go get yourself a cute little kitten like mine. Cat's a wonderful companions who are full of love ;-)