Actually i have no problem with people who smoke. You can inhale any quantity of tobaco you want. Just evade having your non smoking family members and peers exposed to second hand smoke.
Technically yes, anything is toxic in high dosis. Air is toxic, it takes 60 to 90 years for oxigen to kill us. Water is toxic, the problem is that we may die of drowning before getting intoxicated by it. I should had been more specific.
Actually i am addicted to foood also. Actually cocaine uses a neurinal reward pathway that is primarily used in the brain for rewarding after eating sugar. That is why the image of a heartbroken woman is a girl eating icecream directly from the bucket. Sugars have antidepressive effects on the brain and cause euforia and satisfaction. But sugars also kill us slowly by acelerating protein oxidation.
The pint i tried to make is about personal decisions. You may smoke any quantity you want, just avoid harming others. Vaping at least leaves the risk of cancer out for second hand inhalers. But your risk with nicotine continues.