Fingers crossed for your father, squinney!
Squinney- Hang in there, gal!
My thoughts are with you. Hold your dominion.
There is almost always information on the net. Ask the doctor for some site references. How's your stepmom holding up?
How old is your dad? Did thy say what stage he's in? (((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))
Squinney, I just came across your post. Now the time with your Dad will be so important. At age 74 I've been through this so many times with friends and family---it never gets any easier with practice. Loving support from everyone is the biggest help. You have lots of here at A2K.
More hugs to you and your family, Squinney.
Holding you and your family in the Light Squinny.
Thanks, BBB. Not sure yet which therapy he will be administered. Should have a call from my sister very soon.
So, the estrogen therapy and radiation? Or just the former?
Squinney- How are things going???
Here's a good link on hormonal treatment of prostate cancer:
I'll keep my eye open for more links and post them here.
checking in to see if any updates
Hi, everyone. I'm overwhelmed with your support and well wishes. You all really are great! Wish I could personally return all of the hugs.
Update: He's in advanced stage with lymph nodes heavily involved. His PSA (scale of 1-4) came back pre-op as a 56. His Gleason (scale of 1-10) came back as a 9. No radiation or chemo is planned. At this point they are only talking about estrogen to reduce the size of the prostate and limit production of testosterone which evidently aids the cancer growth. Not sure if any other organs are affected.
He is trying to be tough, being a cowboy and all... But, he is also getting things in order. Not sure if that is mature and responsible, facing the inevitable, or a signal that he doesn't expect much time.
Will be going out to see him in a week, take him some love and help with what I can.
Thanks again to all of you! Your prayers and thoughts are most helpful!
More hugs going with you on your trip to see your Dad.
Hugs to accompany you on the trip from me too.
Yes, we're with you in spirit, squinney.