Tue 2 Sep, 2014 09:57 am
It's all about the media. The media takes a story, skims over the facts that make the story more interesting, controversial, and stirs up people for no reason. Now that they stirred up a subject, now there is bs outcry by people with no facts. If you are black it is acceptable to react without facts, if you are white and you don't react or decide to wait for facts, then you are racist. That pisses off white people.
Then, once Sharpton comes in, causes more trouble, generally lies, he leaves. Most recently he was in Ferguson in support of Mike Brown. He says its not about race, but police brutality. However 2 days after unarmed Mike Brown was killed by officers, Dillon Taylor was also killed. Sharpton wasn't around. You ask who is Dillon Taylor, well I don't really know either because the story isn't covered when a black officer kills an unarmed white/hispanic 20 year old. That is another reason whites are getting less tolerant of blacks.
So that is why whites are getting more frustrated and feeling less and less sorry for blacks, and the bs the media spreads makes the blacks believe more and more that everything is unfair and they are more pissed.
I can go on and on and I have many more examples of why I believe racism is getting worse.
Please send your thoughts, agree or disagree!