What if no religions are correct, but there still is a God?

Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2022 10:57 pm
Yes, it is on my side. (As in, it favors me)

Good of you to point that out!

Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 07:35 pm
Youre even a bit daffier than I give you credit.What you think is true aint fact at all, I just set the burdenof proof on you because I know you have NO fuckin way of accomplishing it.
Good luck skipppy. Sounds like you consider Alley Oop a documentary of science.
Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2022 09:21 pm
I do not need burden of proof. You do.

You "know" there is no God. You probably tell me that "science" proves this. The word "science" again means to know.

science (n.)
mid-14c., "state or fact of knowing; what is known, knowledge (of something) acquired by study; information;" also "assurance of knowledge, certitude, certainty," from Old French science "knowledge, learning, application; corpus of human knowledge" (12c.), from Latin scientia "knowledge, a knowing; expertness," from sciens (genitive scientis) "intelligent, skilled," present participle of scire "to know."

To know means to make a claim. To make a claim means you have to prove it.

To the best of my understanding, you have never defended this claim. You have called me dumb/crazy or tried to deflect the burden back onto me. Nope.

Now to believe, even to believe with 100% certainty, is to have an opinion.

I believe fully that Team Edward just isn't as hot as Team Jacob. Will you ask me to prove that?!?

Whatever, here you go.

Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 01:28 am
Nobody can say that they KNOW there is no GOD unless they have DEFINITIVE proof.That much is obvious.

Nobody can say that they KNOW there is a God unless they have DEFINITIVE proof.That much is obvious.

As nobody has definitive proof then all anyone can do is HOPE that there is or isn’t a God.That much is obvious.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 06:31 am
You can believe whatever you want, with or without proof.

Now, I can probably say that I do know there is a God. But I've told people my proof before, and they haven't ******* listened (refer to my conversations with Frank Apisa, it's in my post history, over and over and over again). So I don't feel like it anymore. You can read my books on Kindle if you're curious.

Or hell, you can read this lady instead and stop asking. Honest God, these people.
Or here's a hint: use your eyes.

It's that simple.

You know, fish are dumb as bricks but they know that they are swimming around in Water (I assume so, anyway, as they try to flop towards it). Yet you humans are walking around in Air all around you, and you haven't pieced together the reason I'm capitalizing these words.

Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 08:33 am
You are confusing “knowing” as having definitive proof with “believing” as having no definitive proof …..bulmabriefs144……they are completely different.

It’s ok to believe and hope in something though…………there is nothing wrong with that…….that is all anyone can do ultimately….I’m perfectly ok with it.

Frank doesn’t like the word HOPE…..he prefers the word ….GUESS……I think he put me on ignore because I reminded him all anyone has is HOPE that our philosophical stance is the correct one……including him.

NSFW (view)
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 04:27 pm
evidence does not exist favoring gods. i never saidthat i know that no god exists, i merely operate as if such were the fact.
you still have the burden of proof to make your point, i have more evidence supportive of the absence of deities. hthat evidence is factual or not is not a problem within the path i maintain.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 04:29 pm
The word "science" again means to know
only in ancient latin. science is a discipline employed in the search for facts
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 08:19 pm
And facts are things you learn so that you can know.

But beliefs are opinions. Just as I do not need to prove to others that I hate Steam, and I like Switch, there is no need for me to prove that I believe in God. I just do. I probably would have an easier time proving my beliefs than you would your disbeliefs, but once you state you know there isn't a God, you gotta put up or shut up.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 08:28 pm


When forming personal convictions, we often interpret factual evidence through the filter of our values, feelings, tastes, and past experiences. Hence, most statements we make in speaking and writing are assertions of fact, opinion, belief, or prejudice. The usefulness and acceptability of an assertion can be improved or diminished by the nature of the assertion, depending on which of the following categories it falls into:
A fact is verifiable. We can determine whether it is true by researching the evidence. This may involve numbers, dates, testimony, etc. (Ex.: "World War II ended in 1945.") The truth of the fact is beyond argument if one can assume that measuring devices or records or memories are correct. Facts provide crucial support for the assertion of an argument. However, facts by themselves are worthless unless we put them in context, draw conclusions, and, thus, give them meaning.
If a fact is ever not verifiable, if it cannot be proven, it is NOT a fact.
An opinion is a judgment based on facts, an honest attempt to draw a reasonable conclusion from factual evidence. (For example, we know that millions of people go without proper medical care, and so you form the opinion that the country should institute national health insurance even though it would cost billions of dollars.)
That is a TERRIBLE opinion btw. Many people don't have health insurance because they cannot afford it, and some because they do not believe in medicine (Jehovah's Witnesses, nature types, etc). And some feel healthy enough that they would rather not pay. Raising the taxes by billions of dollars means everyone is forced to pay insurance, whether they use it or not. But this is an opinion.
Unlike an opinion, a belief is a conviction based on cultural or personal faith, morality, or values. Statements such as "Capital punishment is legalized murder" are often called "opinions" because they express viewpoints, but they are not based on facts or other evidence. They cannot be disproved or even contested in a rational or logical manner. Since beliefs are inarguable, they cannot serve as the thesis of a formal argument.

So yea, have fun with that.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2022 05:32 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

And facts are things you learn so that you can know.

But beliefs are opinions. Just as I do not need to prove to others that I hate Steam, and I like Switch, there is no need for me to prove that I believe in God. I just do. I probably would have an easier time proving my beliefs than you would your disbeliefs, but once you state you know there isn't a God, you gotta put up or shut up.

There is no need to PROVE one's "beliefs."

You can "believe" you once travelled to a different galaxy...or "believe" that you once lived the life of Napoleon...or "believe" that you arguments make sense.

On the question of whether there are gods or not, one can only guess...and it is a blind guess. So by now, everyone here realizes that you blindly guess that there is a god. And they also realize that you refer to that particular blind guess as a "belief."

But if you assert there is a god...YOU DO BEAR THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR THAT ASSERTION.

Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 07:51 am
@Frank Apisa,
You're confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion."

But fair enough.

You can know the Earth is round and rotates around the sun because when you were six or so, teacher told you. It really seemed like she had explored the world, and every person since either seemed to just be going along with majority opinion, or actively a part of the status quo. This teacher btw just read from a textbook, and smoked weed during her off hours. She was very committed to making sure that her children had inquisitive minds who questioned accepted ideas. Oh wait, no. You know this is the case because it's a fact, but you have never bothered to verify it in any way. Or if you have, you used tests that relied on faulty assumptions of what it means that the Earth is flat. You probably went to a university, where brilliant people all repeated that the Earth is round and wobbles while rotating and orbiting the sun. You have never questioned why when they say there is a constant motion (as explanation for why we don't feel motion sickness, along with division of (still rather huge) speed by surface area, and uhhh "because gravity"), this sudden wobble doesn't create a profound lurching sensation. Or why I have looked at the sky and never noticed any sidereal days. Nor does this really make sense as a solution to why at a constant rotation, when we are 180 degrees (six months) from a point why we aren't seeing a different day night cycle. If at spring we have 6am morning in New York, given a constant rotation, we should have to adjust time zones by 12 hours (180 degrees) every fall, and 6 hours (90 degrees) every new season. In fact every new position around the sun should creat an angle distortion on the time of day and night. But all year around, day and night are more or less the same rhythm. This is only possible if the sun orbits the Earth and the Earth does not move. It's certainly not possible for an object to have identical perspective (and thus identical day/night rhythm) while in an opposite position. But yeah it's something brilliant people have told you, and it's something your teacher taught you, and it's something you never investigated. So it's a fact.

And we know that in 2020 onward, people were violently sick from a hella contagious disease. This despite the disease heading to US by like China or Japan through immigrants, and probably touching down in big cities, despite everyone dutifully staying indoors, it was the fault of people in the country (who btw are in the middle of nowhere, and unlikely to spread anything to anyone unless people from the city visit them) for not staying inside. When these same people, who never leave town and never want to go to any cities, refuse to wear masks, it is somehow their fault that people in the city are sick, and not 5G radiation, pollution, homeless defecating in the streets, crowds of people normally getting sick, industrial chemicals, and smog. Because contagion works this way, that those in the cities who dutifully don't go anywhere make those in the country mysteriously get sick, and those in the country spread it to more people in the city by not wearing masks.
In the US, what happens in cities typically stays in cities but for commuter culture. Once these commuters all switched to remote jobs, no spread should have taken place. By real science of contagion, no people in a town that has no normal interactions with the rest of the country should have a contagion. But purely because they don't cooperate with mask mandates, their numbers are declared to be up. It's a fact. Because some people in lab coats said it must be so. Trust the science.
One day, in the Afterlife you're gonna stand before God at his throne, and he will say, "Frank, you're ******* gullible." I'll have told you the same thing but you'll need to hear it from God. And you'll ask him if that means he's sending you to hell or something, and he'll be all like "Nah, I just wanted to mock you for believing this crap."
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 09:53 am
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 10:25 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

You're confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion."

But fair enough.

No, I am not confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion."

In the context in which we are talking, Bulma...I am simply saying that using the word "belief" to disguise a blind guess...is an act of attempted deception.

All of your "beliefs" about your god, its nature, and any afterlife...

...are just blind guesses that you refuse, for some reason, to acknowledge as blind guesses.

You can know the Earth is round and rotates around the sun because when you were six or so, teacher told you. It really seemed like she had explored the world, and every person since either seemed to just be going along with majority opinion, or actively a part of the status quo. This teacher btw just read from a textbook, and smoked weed during her off hours. She was very committed to making sure that her children had inquisitive minds who questioned accepted ideas. Oh wait, no. You know this is the case because it's a fact, but you have never bothered to verify it in any way. Or if you have, you used tests that relied on faulty assumptions of what it means that the Earth is flat. You probably went to a university, where brilliant people all repeated that the Earth is round and wobbles while rotating and orbiting the sun. You have never questioned why when they say there is a constant motion (as explanation for why we don't feel motion sickness, along with division of (still rather huge) speed by surface area, and uhhh "because gravity"), this sudden wobble doesn't create a profound lurching sensation. Or why I have looked at the sky and never noticed any sidereal days. Nor does this really make sense as a solution to why at a constant rotation, when we are 180 degrees (six months) from a point why we aren't seeing a different day night cycle. If at spring we have 6am morning in New York, given a constant rotation, we should have to adjust time zones by 12 hours (180 degrees) every fall, and 6 hours (90 degrees) every new season. In fact every new position around the sun should creat an angle distortion on the time of day and night. But all year around, day and night are more or less the same rhythm. This is only possible if the sun orbits the Earth and the Earth does not move. It's certainly not possible for an object to have identical perspective (and thus identical day/night rhythm) while in an opposite position. But yeah it's something brilliant people have told you, and it's something your teacher taught you, and it's something you never investigated. So it's a fact.

And we know that in 2020 onward, people were violently sick from a hella contagious disease. This despite the disease heading to US by like China or Japan through immigrants, and probably touching down in big cities, despite everyone dutifully staying indoors, it was the fault of people in the country (who btw are in the middle of nowhere, and unlikely to spread anything to anyone unless people from the city visit them) for not staying inside. When these same people, who never leave town and never want to go to any cities, refuse to wear masks, it is somehow their fault that people in the city are sick, and not 5G radiation, pollution, homeless defecating in the streets, crowds of people normally getting sick, industrial chemicals, and smog. Because contagion works this way, that those in the cities who dutifully don't go anywhere make those in the country mysteriously get sick, and those in the country spread it to more people in the city by not wearing masks.
In the US, what happens in cities typically stays in cities but for commuter culture. Once these commuters all switched to remote jobs, no spread should have taken place. By real science of contagion, no people in a town that has no normal interactions with the rest of the country should have a contagion. But purely because they don't cooperate with mask mandates, their numbers are declared to be up. It's a fact. Because some people in lab coats said it must be so. Trust the science.
One day, in the Afterlife you're gonna stand before God at his throne, and he will say, "Frank, you're ******* gullible." I'll have told you the same thing but you'll need to hear it from God. And you'll ask him if that means he's sending you to hell or something, and he'll be all like "Nah, I just wanted to mock you for believing this crap."

Just more bullshit.
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 10:27 am
@Frank Apisa,
Aren't you glad you've had your eyes done?

Now this erudite wisdom is crystal clear.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 12:08 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Aren't you glad you've had your eyes done?

Now this erudite wisdom is crystal clear.

Yeah, it is.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 04:41 pm
@Frank Apisa,
No, I am not confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion."

I'm pretty sure you are.

Just more bullshit.

This is code for "I can't read real good. "


Yeah, I know, it's nice to just casually dismiss people. But it comes across as increasingly obvious that you don't bother examining things too closely. Both in your non-comment about what I posted, and your blind acceptable of "facts."
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 05:21 pm
This is code for "I can't read real good. "

Not ever in Frank's case. Seriously.
Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2022 09:18 pm
Now, I can probably say that I do know there is a God.

That 'probably' amounts somewhere over 50% and less than about 90% which means you are only guessing there is a deity. And your guess means a certain deity which you were brainwashed into thinking exists by your upbringing which means those folks were also brainwashed and so on back in time. Consider how many deities there are, why is yours so special? It isn't, it can't be because it has just been placed there by the brainwashing you received.
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