@Frank Apisa,
You're confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion."
But fair enough.
You can know the Earth is round and rotates around the sun because when you were six or so, teacher told you. It really seemed like she had explored the world, and every person since either seemed to just be going along with majority opinion, or actively a part of the status quo. This teacher btw just read from a textbook, and smoked weed during her off hours. She was very committed to making sure that her children had inquisitive minds who questioned accepted ideas. Oh wait, no. You know this is the case because it's a fact, but you have never bothered to verify it in any way. Or if you have, you used tests that relied on faulty assumptions of what it means that the Earth is flat. You probably went to a university, where brilliant people all repeated that the Earth is round and wobbles while rotating and orbiting the sun. You have never questioned why when they say there is a constant motion (as explanation for why we don't feel motion sickness, along with division of (still rather huge) speed by surface area, and uhhh "because gravity"), this sudden wobble doesn't create a profound lurching sensation. Or why I have looked at the sky and never noticed any sidereal days. Nor does this really make sense as a solution to why at a constant rotation, when we are 180 degrees (six months) from a point why we aren't seeing a different day night cycle. If at spring we have 6am morning in New York, given a constant rotation, we should have to adjust time zones by 12 hours (180 degrees) every fall, and 6 hours (90 degrees) every new season. In fact every new position around the sun should creat an angle distortion on the time of day and night. But all year around, day and night are more or less the same rhythm. This is only possible if the sun orbits the Earth and the Earth does not move. It's certainly not possible for an object to have identical perspective (and thus identical day/night rhythm) while in an opposite position. But yeah it's something brilliant people have told you, and it's something your teacher taught you, and it's something you never investigated. So it's a fact.
And we know that in 2020 onward, people were violently sick from a hella contagious disease. This despite the disease heading to US by like China or Japan through immigrants, and probably touching down in big cities, despite everyone dutifully staying indoors, it was the fault of people in the country (who btw are in the middle of nowhere, and unlikely to spread anything to anyone unless people from the city visit them) for not staying inside. When these same people, who never leave town and never want to go to any cities, refuse to wear masks, it is somehow their fault that people in the city are sick, and not 5G radiation, pollution, homeless defecating in the streets, crowds of people normally getting sick, industrial chemicals, and smog. Because contagion works this way, that those in the cities who dutifully don't go anywhere make those in the country mysteriously get sick, and those in the country spread it to more people in the city by not wearing masks.
In the US, what happens in cities typically stays in cities but for commuter culture. Once these commuters all switched to remote jobs, no spread should have taken place. By real science of contagion, no people in a town that has no normal interactions with the rest of the country should have a contagion. But purely because they don't cooperate with mask mandates, their numbers are declared to be up. It's a fact. Because some people in lab coats said it must be so. Trust the science.
One day, in the Afterlife you're gonna stand before God at his throne, and he will say, "Frank, you're ******* gullible." I'll have told you the same thing but you'll need to hear it from God. And you'll ask him if that means he's sending you to hell or something, and he'll be all like "Nah, I just wanted to mock you for believing this crap."