What if no religions are correct, but there still is a God?

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 06:03 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

No, I am not confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion."

I'm pretty sure you are.

I definitely am not confusing "belief" with "drug trip" or "delusion"...no matter how "pretty sure" you are.

Just more bullshit.

This is code for "I can't read real good. "

It is not code for anything. The rest of your post was bullshit. Most of what you post is...so no big deal.


Yeah, I know, it's nice to just casually dismiss people. But it comes across as increasingly obvious that you don't bother examining things too closely. Both in your non-comment about what I posted, and your blind acceptable of "facts."

I suppose you meant "blind acceptance" of facts. It is a fact that some people blindly guess there is a single god. I accept that fact. There is nothing blind about accepting a "fact." So, yes, I do accept "facts." Most intelligent, reasonable, sane people do. I notice you do not.

You need some rest, Bulma. Probably a lot of it.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 06:04 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

This is code for "I can't read real good. "

Not ever in Frank's case. Seriously.

Thank you, Bobsal.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 07:56 am
@Frank Apisa,
You gave no indication that you read said bullshit.
So yea, my point stands.

Seems to me, you've been doing plenty of going back to sleep for the both of us. Your consciousness is at a low state, and has been for awhile.

"Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about the things that matter."

The stuff you blithely accept as far is bullshit. Meanwhile things that actually matter, you leave unaddressed. My second point in the long thread you scoffed at as bullshit involves the criminal neglect of an entire generation of people worldwide because someone is afraid of the sniffles.

My first point is that overall people never question the world they're living in, and are content to make false assumptions. If you build a bridge assuming the Earth arches, and it forces apart because the physics involved is based on faulty science, people tend to die when the bridge caves in.
Sema Essien, Civil Engineer, and Program Manager at DC Water wrote:
As a civil engineer, I have never taken the curve of the earth into any calculation. There is no calculation for the curve of the earth. You take two points and you build toward each other. In the middle may be some additional elevation of the roadway on the bridge to account for pitch, drainage of water and the overall stability (as most suspension bridges), but the ends are pretty much surveyed to be two level points measured at an elevation height above sea level. The footings of the bridge must be level or the design will be flawed. So there’s no curve.

So, bullshit you say. Only if I went by what you said, people would die when I built a bridge like you wanted. If your faulty assumptions cause people's death, damned straight you're responsible for them.

Only one bridge I know of actually took the curvature into account (Verazzano Narrows), and from pictures of it, the left section looks off-level with the right. Not being plumb means eventually it will lean apart. Nice job, asshole, you can't even build a bridge level in terms of feet.

On the other hand....


Miles long, perfectly flat and straight. Just fine.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 08:47 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

You gave no indication that you read said bullshit.
So yea, my point stands.

Seems to me, you've been doing plenty of going back to sleep for the both of us. Your consciousness is at a low state, and has been for awhile.

"Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about the things that matter."

The stuff you blithely accept as far is bullshit. Meanwhile things that actually matter, you leave unaddressed. My second point in the long thread you scoffed at as bullshit involves the criminal neglect of an entire generation of people worldwide because someone is afraid of the sniffles.

My first point is that overall people never question the world they're living in, and are content to make false assumptions. If you build a bridge assuming the Earth arches, and it forces apart because the physics involved is based on faulty science, people tend to die when the bridge caves in.
Sema Essien, Civil Engineer, and Program Manager at DC Water wrote:
As a civil engineer, I have never taken the curve of the earth into any calculation. There is no calculation for the curve of the earth. You take two points and you build toward each other. In the middle may be some additional elevation of the roadway on the bridge to account for pitch, drainage of water and the overall stability (as most suspension bridges), but the ends are pretty much surveyed to be two level points measured at an elevation height above sea level. The footings of the bridge must be level or the design will be flawed. So there’s no curve.

So, bullshit you say. Only if I went by what you said, people would die when I built a bridge like you wanted. If your faulty assumptions cause people's death, damned straight you're responsible for them.

Only one bridge I know of actually took the curvature into account (Verazzano Narrows), and from pictures of it, the left section looks off-level with the right. Not being plumb means eventually it will lean apart. Nice job, asshole, you can't even build a bridge level in terms of feet.

Miles long, perfectly flat and straight. Just fine.

Thank you for this additional bullshit, Bulma. I read every word of it...and have confirmed it is bullshit. My guess: Print your posts out; shred the paper it is printed on; spread the shredded paper around your rose bushes...

...and presto...much larger, more beautiful roses in the spring.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 09:39 am
@Frank Apisa,
Jebus,Frank, I just don't get it. Those bridge follow the arc of a spherical planet. They just don't get that if you measure a four foot segment of a twenty mile arc it will read level and flat. If he'd pull out his 20mile long level or easier yet: use a transit, that curve would be unignorable, and with in just several miles.

It's hard to believe anyone who's call himself a builder would be able to ignore the spheriocity of this planet. I mean, there is nothing in the sky that even approximates a "flat" planet or planet sized structure in 1000's of years looking skyward. And in large civil projects the earth's curve is taken into design consideration.

The big laffer is the Golden Gate illustration. If the arc of the bridge echoed that of the planet, it would mean the planet is on about 1/15th of it's actual size.What the stupid git doesn't get is that that arc of the planet was figured into the complete bridge design, the design also allowed for an exaggerated arc in the center so that the USS Enterprise could get under that bridge at low tide and with its antenna array folded down.

Flat earthers.

And if the planet is flat, why hide it anyways, it would be undeniable.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 10:54 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Jebus,Frank, I just don't get it. Those bridge follow the arc of a spherical planet. They just don't get that if you measure a four foot segment of a twenty mile arc it will read level and flat. If he'd pull out his 20mile long level or easier yet: use a transit, that curve would be unignorable, and with in just several miles.

It's hard to believe anyone who's call himself a builder would be able to ignore the spheriocity of this planet. I mean, there is nothing in the sky that even approximates a "flat" planet or planet sized structure in 1000's of years looking skyward. And in large civil projects the earth's curve is taken into design consideration.

The big laffer is the Golden Gate illustration. If the arc of the bridge echoed that of the planet, it would mean the planet is on about 1/15th of it's actual size.What the stupid git doesn't get is that that arc of the planet was figured into the complete bridge design, the design also allowed for an exaggerated arc in the center so that the USS Enterprise could get under that bridge at low tide and with its antenna array folded down.

Flat earthers.

And if the planet is flat, why hide it anyways, it would be undeniable.

They are nuts.

I'd say they have mental problems...but it goes much further than that. "Nuts" covers it much better.
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 11:41 am
@Frank Apisa,
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 12:25 pm
You are playing a joke on these gullible folk, right?
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 02:15 pm
izzythepush wrote:



The correct reply then...and the correct one today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 03:39 pm
What if no religions are correct, but there still is a God?

Could any "god" ever possibly be so stupid?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2022 10:09 pm
Not at all.

I legit believe in the flat Earth.

That doesn't change the fact that I am an enormous troll. I tell people this knowing fully that they are so conditioned to believing the Earth is round, that it will get a rise out of them.

Jebus,Frank, I just don't get it. Those bridge follow the arc of a spherical planet. They just don't get that if you measure a four foot segment of a twenty mile arc it will read level and flat. If he'd pull out his 20mile long level or easier yet: use a transit, that curve would be unignorable, and with in just several miles.

You know that surveyors use devices for looking at long distances? You know that they're the ones that build things right? Which do you trust? The people who build things and stare it in the face? Or the people who say it because they did science math on a chalkboard? Wait don't answer that. You don't seem to get that an appeal to experts only works if the expert in question has done real research.

The news has decided to call a reasonable assessment of being able to draw a straight line across the horizon "curvature blindness."

Not at all. I know there is a curvature... of the sky. I have seen planes fly through the sky and veer all over the place. But the Earth itself does not have curvature.


This picture is meant to "prove" that the curvature is hiding the bottom part of what's over there. Actually, it's like this. Vanishing point starts from the lowest point first, and objects head downward. An object sinks below the horizon, not because it goes "around a curve" but because it disappears (vanishes) past the horizon. This is also why the sun sets but doesn't really appear to shrink so much as dip in the sky. Objects heading away from us lower and shrink, but objects heading across simply dip without changing size. The sun isn't moving away from us, and we definitely aren't rotating away from the sun (this would look less like an arc and more like looking straight from one object to another, there is a distance perspective of turning in circles), but rather moving across the sky. As even dumb Egyptians knew.

It's called an optical illusion. The vanishing point does exist. If I were to plant trees on a flat hill in say, Illinois (Kansas is not the flattest, that's Florida but it's near sea level) in a perfect straight line for about 10 miles, and walked back from them, they would appear to dip. "The curvature, the curvature!" If a curvature really did exist, those trees at the end of ten miles would be like this.


The lady on that trail must be going "Wtf?"

But actually, as one gets closer, all such trees are shocking revealed to be perfectly flat. Even if there were a gradual curve, the trees would gradually start to behave like the tower of Frank Apisa.

But we learned this in geometry. A circle is equal to 360 degrees. This means 1/4 of a circle is 90 degrees. If we assume a perfect sphere, this means a 90 degree rise after about 1982 miles. Btw, a 90 degree angle means the height is equal to the length. We went across the US, there is no such rise at any point.

The thing that I can safely say is that I have never seen any bathtub where water rises in a curve (hint: not how gravity works). Remove the impossible, and whatever remains must be the truth. We have a series of straight lines and gentle slopes in all directions. We're talking about a circle, not a globe.

"But but, it's so subtle you don't even notice it!" Even if it were that subtle, engineering bridges would need to make minute corrections, and engineers would have to be involved at every stage, compensating for this. Instead...

China kinda has a bridge building machine.

In other words, the Earth is flat enough that the entire process of building can be automated. That's not round, it's not even elliptical. It may not be flat as Illinois, but it's flat enough for my purposes.
Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2022 08:33 am
What if no religions are correct, but there still is no God?

But something entirely different and beyond our intelligence to understand, yet, just follow it when it seems right, (when asleep for example!)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 11:38 pm
That doesn't change the fact that I am an enormous troll. I tell people this knowing fully that they are so conditioned to believing the Earth is round, that it will get a rise out of them.
You're confusing knowledge with belief. It's a kind of vanity.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2022 07:13 pm
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2022 09:37 pm
The sealed book is a good example.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2022 09:44 pm
Vanishing point starts from the lowest point first, and objects head downward. An object sinks below the horizon, not because it goes "around a curve" but because it disappears (vanishes) past the horizon.

That's an example of an attempt to redefine the language to explain the facts. Vanishing points are only about perspective, the futher away something is the closer to the vanshing point it appears to be.
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2022 07:04 am
The point is, vanishing points are not some imaginary "curvature". If we were to sit on the beach and look at a very long bridge (150 miles), it would appear to dip. But if we were to climb a nearby mountain, we would see much farther and realize that it does not in fact dip, as least until the limit of the mountain's view. Same for if we were to get on this bridge and walk it for 150 miles. It is level all the way across. What we assumed to be curvature is simply an optical illusion. Vanishing point.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2022 08:01 am
That is such an abortion of logic. The drop of a 150 mile section of arc on a 24,000 mile circumference is not 6,000 ft. If that 150 bridge had been built flat to the arc, you'd see the curvature 14 miles out.

Last attempt at trying you to get see the facts. Who calls you in out of the rain?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2022 08:15 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

That is such an abortion of logic. The drop of a 150 mile section of arc on a 24,000 mile circumference is not 6,000 ft. If that 150 bridge had been built flat to the arc, you'd see the curvature 14 miles out.

Last attempt at trying you to get see the facts. Who calls you in out of the rain?

What makes you suppose he comes in out of the rain.

Anyone, in this day and age, who still thinks the Earth is flat...is nuts. You almost have to hope the guy is just kidding.
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2022 08:36 am
@bobsal u1553115,
14 miles?

The so called curvature supposedly obscures vision after 3 miles.
Based on the curve of the Earth: Standing on a flat surface with your eyes about 5 feet off the ground, the farthest edge that you can see is about 3 miles away.
Detecting a candle flame: Researchers believe that without obstructions, a person with healthy but average vision could see a candle flame from as far as 1.6 miles. (That's absurd)
Without the Earth’s curve and from higher up: You might be able to identify objects from dozens, even hundreds, of miles away.

The mere fact that from higher up you can in fact see other mountains miles off means there is no curve. And mere fact that you easily quoted 14 miles (that not a stretch btw, I've seen objects that far off) instead of 3 miles means it doesn't exist, period.

@FrankApisa what is nuts is trusting people just because they wear lab coats.


These guys clearly know what they are talking about.
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