more body parts: skin, womb, arch, heel, shin, bone
Bib: Is this necessarily a human body part?
Yes, it is a HUMAN body part.
I GOT IT. Finally!
Mac: None of your words apply for quantity. The body part is a certain type of one of the body parts you've mentioned above, though.
Thank you.
That was a toughie, Biblio.
Quantity - store
Body part - ulna
If I should have waited to post my answer, I apologize, Biblio.
You can always DELETE it. :wink:
Do I have to?
If I do, we have to wait for a new word puzzle, and I
don't want to wait, Biblio.
Uh-oh, she's sounded addicted now! :wink:
OK wordsmyths, here's CHALLENGE #23 - this is much easier:
I'm looking for a 9-letter English word (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) which matches the following
The letters 1, 2, 9, 5 & 4 (in that order) spell a water COURSE.
The letters 3, 7, 8 & 6 (in that order) spell a person's ESSENCE.
The correct word (and ALL sub-clue words) are found in Webster's Dictionary - 10th Edition.
Happy sleuthing
You got the answer to Challenge #23 in three minutes?
Send me a PM and I'll confirm if you're right.
water course : ditch
person's essence: soul
Now where's my __________. I have a sink full in the kitchen and I can't find it.
Like I said, that one was a lot easier.
OK wordsmyths, here's CHALLENGE #24 - this is harder but still easy:
I'm looking for a 9-letter English word (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) which matches the following
The letters 1, 7, 8, 5 & 6 (in that order) spell a GUARD.
The letters 9, 2, 3 & 4 (in that order) spell a part of the BODY.
The correct word (and ALL sub-clue words) are found in Webster's Dictionary - 10th Edition.
Happy sleuthing
Here's all those four letter body parts again: ulna, skin, womb, arch, heel, shin, bone, face, head, foot, neck, knee, cell, butt, seat, brow, chin, lung