@Frank Apisa,
One can always tell that Frank is fresh out of ideas, and cannot respond to criticism when he trots out the anger routine. I'll bet the thinks he's clever.
You're sunk by language again Frank. That simple-minded "whatever is, is" BS won't fly here, because evidence has a specific meaning. It means a body of facts, a body of information. So vague bullshit like your "whatever is, is" doesn't quality. If something is not evident, if it is not clearly to be seen, it is not evidence. If one cannot tell whether or not the naturalistic world is a product of a cosmogony from a god, or a cosmogony with no god, then it constitutes no evidence for either proposition.
Your attempts ar logic are pathetic, and usually involve, as was already noted, twisting words. Evidence is not working out for you here as a word you can manipulate to fit your simple-minded thesis.
I have no doubt that now that you're starting to lose it, it's only a matter of time until you trot out the personal slurs and the puerile images. When you try that feeble anger BS, that's usually the first sign that your rhetoric, never very elevated to begin with, is headed downhill.