@One Eyed Mind,
Sorry OEM, I was trying to give you something to work with on the Ashtoreth reference.
For discussion sake, I shall entertain your theory that the bible is allegory and that lucifer is a female. Still I do not see a relationship that resembles that of a man and wife between God and Lucifer. Rather I see the relationship of a King and a usurper. Just a few instances in scripture...
God created Lucifer, or Satan, whatever you wish to call him as one of his angels, and granted him a degree of power. God then created man, with the intention of presiding over them as the "filled the earth and subdued it"
Lucifers first recorded action was to challenge that God was a) a liar b) was withholding something good from man and c) man could rule his self without God. (Genesis 3)
Lucifer challenged God over his servant Job, claiming that a) man would only serve God as long as it suited them, b) that man would abandon God if it meant his life. (job 2)
Lucifer also attempted to hijack Gods own son, offering Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth if he would do one act of obeisance to him instead of God. (Matthew 4)
Further Lucifer led as much as a third of Gods angels away after his self. (Revelation 12)
God promised to rid the world of Lucifer and his followers once the matter of his sovereignty has been settled. (Proverbs 2:22)
Consider perhaps this suggestion... The bible is an ink blot, one that draws out our very hearts intentions. Allegory or Literary, how we respond to what we read, how it changes us, tells God all he needs to know in order to judge us.