I couldn't figure out where to post this topic, and decided food and drink is most applicable.
I have lived in Humboldt County in north northern California for five years now, yikes. Among the many aspects I like about this place is the blanket of green land with cows all spotted about here and there. Some here know that we have a painter who shows with us who does expressionistic paintings of cows, based on drawings she does from her pickup pulled up at the fencing.. something like a hundred cow paintings. But never mind her, me, me, I have been happy as I drive past dairy land on my way to the grocery store, happy as I go past cows around Arcata, loving all of them in the area of Ferndale...
but I have not been sure if all these dairies were well run, from my rather organic point of view. Turns out this county is very much a leader... it looks like even the least good places are pretty good, relatively speaking.
No wonder I love it here.
note: I modified the title to add energy production because of the latest article link about the dairy farmer in Marin County. (see below)