Robert Novak: Bush's shaky base

Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 09:25 am
Bush's shaky base
Robert Novak
May 20, 2004

WASHINGTON -- During George W. Bush's keynote address to the 40th anniversary black-tie banquet of the American Conservative Union (ACU) last week, diners rose repeatedly to applaud the president's remarks. But one man kept his seat through the 40-minute oration. It was no liberal interloper but conservative stalwart Donald Devine.

As ACU vice chairman, Devine was privileged to be part of a pre-dinner head-table reception with President Bush. However, Devine chose not to shake hands with the president. Furthermore, he is one of about 20 percent of Republicans that polls classify as not committed to voting for Bush's re-election.

The conventional wisdom portrays the latest Zogby Poll's 81 percent of Republican voters committed to Bush as reflecting extraordinary loyalty to the president by the GOP base. Actually, when nearly one out of five Republicans cannot flatly say they support Bush, that could spell defeat in a closely contested election. When Don Devine is among those one out of five, it signifies that the president's record does not please all conservatives.

In a time of crisis in Iraq, Bush spent more than an hour at the J.W. Marriott Hotel Thursday night to celebrate the ACU's anniversary and woo his conservative base. His speech was crafted to evoke the maximum response from that audience. There was no mention of either "compassionate conservatism" or "no child left behind "

Why, then, did Devine dismiss a consciously conservative speech as "long and boring"? At age 67, Devine has spent a lifetime as a party regular and faithful conservative. I first encountered him some 30 years ago when, as a University of Maryland political science professor, he was adviser and strategist for conservatives in rules fights at Republican national conventions. Directing President Reagan's Office of Personnel Management, he was one senior administration official who took seriously the Reagan Revolution. He was a political adviser in Bob Dole's presidential campaigns and ran himself for Congress and statewide office in Maryland.

So, the question remains: Why would Devine stay seated at the ACU dinner when everybody else was standing and clapping? To begin with, he shares concern with many Republicans about what the U.S. is doing in Iraq and where it is going. Businessmen I have talked to recently exercise limited patience in how long they will tolerate the bloodshed and confusion.

What most bothers Devine and other conservatives is steady growth of government under this Republican president. If Devine's purpose in devoting his life to politics was to limit government's reach, he feels betrayed that Bush has outstripped his liberal predecessors in domestic spending. A study by Brian Riedl for the conservative Heritage Foundation last December showed government spending had exceeded $20,000 per household for the first time since World War II. Riedl called it a "colossal expansion of the federal government since 1998."

Curbing this expansion surely has not been on the top of Bush's agenda for much of his time in the White House. Until recently, when a presidential political aide heard conservative complaints about runaway spending, he predictably would point to the partial-birth abortion ban and tax cuts rather than address the grievance. In the last few months, the president's men have talked a better game about spending. Nevertheless, it is too late to satisfy Republicans such as Devine who care deeply about governmental growth.

Bush is also under pressure from his conservative base to speak more clearly and more frequently against same-sex marriage. At the ACU dinner, he drew one of his many standing ovations by declaring: "We stand for institutions like marriage and family, which are the foundations of our society." That was all he said on the subject in a speech that went on at length about the war on terrorism and the war in Iraq.

Bush's saving grace for the 2004 election may be John Kerry. In the end, I am sure Don Devine will cast his ballot for George W. Bush, if only because the alternative is noxious. How many of the rest of that 19 percent of non-Bush voting Republicans in the Zogby Poll will fall in line may determine the outcome Nov. 2. That is the importance of Devine's little sit-down strike.
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 10:07 am
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 10:40 am
Bush to seek to soothe congressional Republicans
Things must be worse for Bush among republicans than is publically known if he is forced to do this. ---BBB

Posted on Wed, May. 19, 2004
Bush to seek to soothe congressional Republicans
By James Kuhnhenn
Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - President Bush will visit Capitol Hill Thursday morning to speak behind closed doors to Senate and House Republicans in an effort to calm Republicans roiled over the war in Iraq and his sinking popularity.

Republican lawmakers, particularly in the Senate, are becoming increasingly restive about the turmoil in Iraq, rising budget deficits and what they believe is a back-of-the-hand attitude from the Bush administration.

Bush also has the lowest public approval rating of his presidency, putting stress on Republican lawmakers in tough re-election races.

Republican aides said Bush was expected to assure Republicans that the administration is on the right track in Iraq and to put some presidential pressure on a handful of Republican senators who are blocking passage of a federal budget resolution. The visit will come just days before lawmakers go on their weeklong Memorial Day recess.

"Just by appearing, he'll stabilize the ship a little bit," said Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, a Republican moderate who has questioned the war and is one of the GOP holdouts on the budget. "It's symbolic - let's-stick-together kind of thing. There's still going to be a lot of questions."

The tension within the Republican ranks tends to break down the middle of the Capitol, with Senate Republicans much more likely to challenge Bush and his policies than House Republicans.

"They prefer to talk and grandstand instead of helping their president," said Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., chairman of the defense appropriations subcommittee in the House.

The split was evident Wednesday when House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., showed irritation with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., whose questions about prisoner abuse in Iraq and whose opposition to further tax cuts have especially riled party stalwarts.

Hastert lashed out at McCain during a session with reporters when he was asked about McCain's belief that further tax cuts are unwise because Americans need to share the sense of sacrifice during a time of war.

"Who?" he asked when a reporter mentioned McCain. "Where is he from? Is he a Republican?

"John McCain ought to visit our young men and women at Walter Reed and Bethesda," Hastert said, referring to military hospitals. "There is the sacrifice in this country. We are trying to make sure they have the ability to fight this war, that they have the wherewithal to do it. At the same time we have to react to keep this country strong not only militarily, but economically. ... That is my answer to John McCain."

In a statement, McCain replied: "The speaker is correct in that nothing we are called upon to do comes close to matching the heroism of our troops. All we are called upon to do is not spend our nation into bankruptcy while our soldiers risk their lives."

Later, in a brief interview, McCain added: "The party of fiscal discipline and fiscal responsibility - apparently we're not anymore. It's kind of entertaining that I'm called a moderate. I'm called a moderate because I want to impose restrictions on our ability to run up the national debt. That's interesting."

(Staff writer Sumana Chatterjee contributed to this report.)
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