OmSigDAVID wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
RexRed wrote:neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:Do you think people should have a "right to be forgotten"
on the internet after they are dead?
. . . .What are your thoughts?
I dunno.
Does anyone have the right to end this thread?
That is the whole point Neo, we are at the mercy of those who own and moderate this site... (no offence intended)
Are we remembered or forgotten, this choice is currently in the hands of persons and interests other than ourselves...
Remember Abuzz? I spent a few years on that site so they could just take it all down after countless days of writing, it is down and now it is FORGOTTEN...
Is this right?
Yes, someone has the right to end this thread and it is currently not me or you...
From here and from Abuzz?????
TELL THEM how thay cheated u!
RexRed wrote: Time is money, I thought you would know something as simple as that.
My time is worth no less MONEY that your time.
Before I retired from the practice of law,
I was getting
$4OO.OO an hour.
Maybe u have been charging "no less MONEY", right ?
RexRed wrote:Besides I am probably at least twice as educated as you are...
U have 2 doctorates ?
RexRed wrote:My dedication and time spent on ABuzz should have given me
some stake in the websites outcome.
Sue them; see if u can get an impartial judge
to support and to vindicate your position.
RexRed wrote:Besides I copied all my HTML page topics and replies from ABuzz.
I still have my Abuzz pages intact on my hard drive backups... Still not forgotten...
Is that
relevant to something ?
What is its probative value ??????
RexRed wrote:
And this is how two doctorates educated you on how to communicate?
Quote David?
From here and from Abuzz?????
TELL THEM how thay cheated u!
I object to their failure to have taught fonetic spelling.
RexRed wrote:Comment: "Thay?" You communicate like a 14 year old on an iphone...
EVERYONE shud communicate that way.
I 'm trying to lead by example.
For too long, I perpetrated perpetuation of the problem of
non-fonetic spelling.
It makes no sense to
mis-spell that word as "they"
merely because almost everyone spells it that way;
doing it that way is inefficient and it is therefore
I m not a follower of fashion.
RexRed wrote:I was attending college before I even left high school.
I took law school classes while I was in high school; loved them.
RexRed wrote:I am a music artist and would not exchange my life with yours
even if THAY paid me 400.00 per hour.
U have quite a nice voice,
but your ability to reason is pitiful; u prefer to emote.
RexRed wrote:I have touched the hearts of over a million people with my music.
Whose hearts have you touched with your gun fetish fear?
anti-authoritarian Americans,
Please note that my only "fear" is that not enuf
of my fellow citizens r sufficiently well armed.
I want them all to be
bristling with weapons.
I already have plenty of guns for myself. I began
collecting them when I was 8.
RexRed wrote:What will you be leaving behind for the world,
other than your gun collection?
My other property, real & personal.
To be clear: I live for my own maximal enjoyment, altho
I must admit that occasionally, when the spirit has moven me,
I 've also gotten some kicks by giving cash to people who don t expect it,
like dropping it down into the grass from hot air balloons
or some other stunts. Sometimes it can be fun.
RexRed wrote:My music is FREE to listen to also even though
I STILL owe 15 thousand dollars in student loans...
I 'm glad that I don t owe that.
RexRed wrote:I was making 50,000 per year selling computers at Sears.
IF u 'd have stayed with it, then, in time,
might have been awarded a decent salary; here was a chance.
Maybe thay will take u back, if u r nice.
RexRed wrote:I also had to handle the tech service of my colleagues sales
who were 15 year veterans of Sears. They knew how to sell them but not service them,
Have you ever built your own circuit boards?
RexRed wrote:Every completely disassembled a Yamaha synthesizer
and then put it together again
not once but several times?
No (neither once, nor several times).
RexRed wrote:That is over 100 screws?
Sounds like a lot of screwing.
RexRed wrote:Ever disassembled and reassembled a Fostex 80, 8 track reel to reel?
I never did.
RexRed wrote:My first month at Sears I was made employee of the month.
In the year I worked there I sold more product protection plans,
maintenance agreements and sales per hour which placed me
in the top ten percentile for these goals in three states.
It makes me proud of u.
RexRed wrote:Do you know what SMPTE time code is without looking it up?
RexRed wrote:I'll give you a hint, it was invented by NASA.
I like NASA.
I watched our Moon Landing with my mom in 1969.
RexRed wrote:I worked with SMPTE timecode every single day for almost 20 years.
Do you know what pulse code modulation is? How about FM synthesis?
Operators, carriers and tone generator algorithms?
No, as to all of those,
but my next door nabor in high school, Joe, knew all about that.
He was a few months younger than me. He was somewhat gay, like u,
judging from the fact that he came on to me. Tho he was Italian,
he had a beautiful, slender
red headed sister. She looked Irish.