Quote:Hi parkol. Nice to see you. Smile
Quote:Everyone is on their own journey to find their "own truth", so to speak. It seems almost instinctual, if you ask me. It is always easiest to pick what is pleasing to the ear when the heart is not trained to hear.
I see, it is all about our perception, I agree. I just would be worried that our "instincts" or "gut feeling" if You will, might be hard to "feel" (or hear) having our Ego on guard. Hypothetically this kind of ugly, socially deformed (super Ego) will prevent us from the access in a good cause of course - to protect us. But because it is influenced, trained to keep Your "flaws" away from exposure, will not let You risk by feeding You with its own interpretations of certain situation.
Les't say You are Young and a group of people mocked You for sharing Your perspective (on something). That might have happened couple of times, until the time when Your super Ego noted that activity is threatening to You.
- so You keep quiet from now on.
Years later You might be trying to recover from that unpleasant experience, first educating Yourself (eg. it is alright to share Your thoughts, despite the feedback and be treated with respect), You are going to give it a try. That is where super Ego advices Your Ego about that obvious (learnt from exp.) rule, Ego says right You can not do it, it will hurt, the possibility is there, You have nothing to loose if You won't do it. That is going to be the loudest voice in Your head. Instincts and "gut feeling" ruled out.
This potential scenario shows that for the price of Your "safety", You are formed by a negative exp. hearing Your "own truth" presented by Your Ego. Becoming stagnated from any development.
Not hearing Your instincts because Your Ego is too strong, well fed. You might even believe Your Ego to be Your instincts.
In the mentioned case I think that, if You hear Your instincts and trust them in case of a failure, Your Ego might help You building resilience. Where You will be open for criticism (any form constructive or not) if slightly affected, Your self esteem will stay untouched.
That is my take on it, I have no degrees, just reading stuff and different perspectives tailoring my understanding. Might be wrong about the mechanics of our personalities.
I have this huge dilemma , how to stay as open minded as possible and resistant to manipulation. How to distinguish.
Quote:In life, you only get answers to the questions you actually ask, and are willing to diligently seek the answer to. The Truth is not easy to find for anyone.
Yes, once watched a talk on "Lies", it mentioned that to spot a lie or a lair we have to really want to know the "truth". Sounds obvious but they presented an example when in a relationship, Partner 1 is asking partner 2 about some details of last night party. Partner 1 is suspecting partner 2 of being unfaithful. Partner 1 is testing partner 2, to see if par. 2 is lying... But partner 1 is terrified, angry and insecure at that moment that the judgement is impaired. Partner 1 thinks that is trying to find out the truth but, in fact, in case of partner 2 lying, Part 1 will ignore, rationalise, even make excuses to mask any possible lie to still trust and be with partner 2.
I don't know if I provided a clear scenario, trying not to involve any name or sex to stay neutral.
That might be an example of Ego being in control again, helping You to be blind to potentially harmful outcome where Your instincts are trying to show You something You won't like, the bigger picture.
Again might be wrong, just trying to show that hearings things we want to hear are "not the things we want to hear".(not always)