I'm not sure if you can get through all this info, at this website, but take a look anyway. Tennessee has Medicaid/TennCare. It's an extended version of Medicaid. And, if your family is living below the poverty level, you can be eligible for things like in-home nurse visits for your mom and maybe even counseling for you. Maybe your mother or father (or brother) can take a look at it?
i think my sister has medicade. and i dont think we'r near the poverty level
thank you though, for looking that up for me. most people wouldnt do that
Well, it may be worth a look. You're welcome.
Life sucks right about now.
what has happened? has everyone decided to leave my post? aw hell i dont care. go talk somewhere
Well, I for one, was on vacation. And, now it's 2 am and I need to go to bed.
Santanaof89 wrote:what has happened? aw hell i dont care.
Apparently nobody else does either, genius.
Aw...come on Slappy...this thread has more legs than Bill Buckner.
Yea I know....I just thought it was kind of funny someone got p.o.'d because nobody is posting on their thread anymore.
I think Camille got the record for replies on a "Subject Is Me" thread
okay, for your information, as you so eloquently put it, i am NOT po'd. and i never was. i was just wondering where everybody went, the people that used to talk on the post and make a point, hence, not you.
ok you all disappeared again. oh well.
Hey, I'm still here, Santana. I've been patiently awaiting your return.
Wanna arm wrestle?
I'm up for watching that. But I get to choose the background music!
Hey Santana, I'm still here, but A2K really does become a case of so many threads, so little time. Start a new one if you have something to talk about. You will get fresh responses that way.
As for the virtual arm wrestling contest, I say, let's take bets, and whoever wins has to arm wrestle my pet giant octopus. I believe that the odds right now are 8-1.
I thought you cooked him last night.

I was planning on it, but I was out of propane for the final grilling.
Don't tell me you use propane!! Why honeychile, here in Dixie it's Mesquite and charcoal. Get rid of that tank.
I don't even own a grill, as I live in an apartment. However, from my experiences in the biz, mesquite is truly fine, but I like applewood and cherrywood as well.