By the way, did somebody say something about Anthrax? Oh my GOD do they suck.
{Sniff} I love you guys! I had some good belly laughs reading through these last couple of pages. Sorry santana that we stray off-subject. It seems to be the nature of the a2k beast.
Has anyone read Tom Colatosti's recent article on Biometrics?
Way to stay on topic Gus

But to answer your question, no, I haven't. Please elaborate in GREAT detail.
Santanaof89 wrote:dude. people. at least stay on topic
The topic is noise pollution, yes?
Wow, this thread is seven pages long so far. This Satan kid really throws a good party.
A metalhead named Santana makes me laugh.
Like a rap-star named Paderewski
dude. why does my name make u laugh? and before anyone even starts to laugh, I WAS NOT NAMED AFTER CARLOS SANTANA OK? and the topic is why people hate headbangers, metalheads, goths, freaks, etc.
Anyone see the South Park episode where Kyle, or Stan, whoever...joins the goth clique in school? They all dress the same and just call people over and over "conformists." Pretty funny.
Oh yea, topic. Why do people hate goths, headbangers...I don't really see it that way anymore. Some people hate anyone different from them at all.
Did I tell you guys how I beat the hell out of this dude yesterday, just because he was wearing his baseball hat crooked?
Hey slappy, good to see you around. Going to ozzfest this year?
Hey little K. What's shakin'?
I'm not going, at least as of yet. Are you? I've been to a couple shows recently though, saw A Perfect Circle a few weeks back, then just saw the Who.
Jesus, Slappy! You only took about 8 friggin' hours to answer a simple question!
Don't ya think littlek has better things to do than wait for you all night?
For you I answer quick gus.
littlek, sorry to keep you staring at the computer screen that long.
She crying, Slappy.
You hurt her. You hurt her bad.
Gus, if I couldn't just shake off every woman I've hurt in my life and move on...well...well, let's just say I wouldn't have those weird sores on my stomach. Wait, I mean...I wouldn't have that pile of panties under my bed...wait. You know whaddumsayin'.
I hear you, brother. It's just that littlek is such a delicate thing.
You dump her one more time.... I think it'll put her over the edge.
not going to ozzfest? c'mon slap, this is one of the best lately.....
What's the lineup for Ozzfest?
The ones I've heard so far are, Super Joint Ritual(Phil, Hell Yeah), The Darkness(The Darkness, Hell Yeah), Priest(meh), and hopefully BLS correct?