Democrats agree to suppress photos of US torture in Iraq.

Reply Sat 15 May, 2004 11:28 pm
Democrats agree to suppress photos of US torture in Iraq

"Americans Don't Know Our Troops Raped & Killed Innocent Iraqis."

Americans need to grow the hell up and face what's going on.

It's disgusting to hear mediawhores calling this crap "frat pranks" and JUST "humiliation."

"So far, most in Congress refer to the Prison Tortures, as abuse, not what it really was."

"The torture photos and videos are the images of empire, of neo-Fascism, of something as yet unnamed but horrifying, just over the horizon."

"Privacy arguments are just excuses for cover-up

Most people won't believe these things happened, or equivalently will just shrug them off as "that's war" without seeing the pictures. If privacy is that important, the faces of the victims can just be 'pixallated out', or whatever it is that is done to obscure. This was done to make sure nobody could see (horrors) the genitals of prisoners being humiliated, so it is obviously not a technical problem."


"The agreement to suppress the photos is part of a systematic, bipartisan cover-up of the crimes of US imperialism in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Democrats have, for the most part, gone out of their way to demonstrate their readiness to conceal, to the extent possible, the truth from the American people."

"Only 23 Democrats voted against a blank check for Bushco to invade Iraq. The majority of Democrats are on board with the colonization of Iraq and thus do not want the public to turn against the takeover. Democrats are mostly servants of the Multi-Corps as are the Republicans. Amerika is an Oligarchy and the two parties are servants to it."
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,779 • Replies: 24
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 03:29 am
May I ask what is the purpose of publishing more photos (unless there is something truly new and different)?
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 03:53 am
Published on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 by MediaChannel.org

Why Media Stood Silent When Torture Cases First Came To Light
by Danny Schechter

With Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's announcement of an "independent review" board to examine the "abuse" of Iraqi prisoners, we now have three self-described "independent" panels at work. All are stuffed with insiders unlikely to be too critical of the government.

It is clearly time for a fourth.

Military failures, intelligence failures and 9-11 policy failures are all being probed to some small degree, but where is the investigation of mainstream media's failure to report on the torture of Iraqis when it became known months before?

Why is it that, even to this day, more than a year after the war in Iraq began, the government's basic worldview and language still shapes the news we see and the discussions we hear?

We hear the gruesome terrorizing of prisoners described with sanitized language like "abuses" but rarely "torture." (To his credit, Tim Russert of Meet The Press did use the "T word" Sunday.)

The Abu Ghraib prison scandal is being spun as the misdeeds of a small number of immoral individuals, not the outcome of systemic policies and practices that teach and encourage psychological abuse and torture. This conflicts with the findings of the military's own report.

The photographs first shown by CBS are themselves misleading, and hardly tell the whole story. Why are we hearing so few demands from media outlets that the Pentagon release ALL of its photos and VIDEOS? As Rumsfeld indicated, there are many more images that we have not seen. Major media outlets do not seem to be going to court or clamoring for their release. Still classified, they will soon be released to the Senate but not necessarily to the public.

CBS held its story for two weeks at the request of the Pentagon's most senior officer General Richard B Myers. Myers denied that he was trying to suppress the story, indicating that CBS was happy to cooperate in the delay. In other words, this was a case of self-censorship, not government censorship. CBS admits also it only aired the story when it learned that the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh was preparing to publish his version. So much for patriotism! The fear of being scooped drove CBS's agenda.

The New York Times explained that it was the family of a soldier charged with crimes who brought the pictures to CBS through retired Colonel David Hackworth's website. And so we learn that it was not enterprise reporting by CBS that uncovered the story. "62" -- as its known in the business -- had the story dumped in its lap.

CBS also explained it held up its report in order to be able to interview a General from Iraq. In TV terms, that's known as introducing conflict and confrontation to juice up a story. 60 Minutes 11's segment had, as its experts, a Major General, a CIA official and former military interrogator who worked in Vietnam. There were no critics of US policy. This is called playing it safe, very, very, safe.

Without the grotesque images the story probably would not have even been reported. The Red Cross spokesman Antonella Notari says "the photographs are certainly shocking, but our reports/ratios are worse. . . . We don't need the photos to know what's going on and that it's not acceptable," CBS was so nervous about bucking the Pentagon that it needed to interview war supporters and spooks in its story to validate its decision to air the story.

Rumsfeld testified that the Red Cross reports were "helpful" and implied that corrective action was taken, but he then refused to release the reports. According to Le Monde, the ICRC had initially made several reports and recommendations to American and British authorities in Iraq and subsequently with their superiors in Washington and London.

Administration officials and military officers have been given hours of airtime to insist how shocked they were by these practices, and how isolated they were in an Army that otherwise expresses "American values." Again and again, we are told how much these prison practices are in conflict with all that America stands for. It took weeks for reports to surface in the press to show that torture is commonplace in many US prisons in Iraq, and in America.

The scandal was well known in Iraq for almost a year. Amnesty International reported on allegations of torture in the prison in July 2003. There was little coverage. In fact, even as Rumsfeld revealed that military affairs officers in Baghdad announced the prison abuse in January, "to the world," there was still no mainstream media pick up.

Today even Republican Senators like Lindsay Graham are speaking not of incidents but of "system failure." Where should the buck stop? Who knew what and when did they forget they knew it? Is the mainstream media telling us?

Other abuses have been shown but not commented upon and, as a consequence, never rose to the level of being newsworthy as an issue. Ahdaf Soueif wrote about this last week in the Guardian: "In the past year the world has seen photos of many Iraqis stripped with their wrists tied behind their backs with plastic cord. At first we could look into their eyes and bear witness to what was happening. Then they were bagged. At no point was there an outcry."

So here we have a major story that, even now, is being downplayed, narrowly focused and distorted. Ironically, you can be sure that it is likely to become even bigger, if and when videos are released. I have also heard rumors of similar abuses in prisons housing children and women.

These outrages, known for many months, have been reported on by truly independent agencies, even disclosed by the government, and still scant mainstream media attention was paid.

Some in the media see a need now for a more aggressive stance and pro-active approach. The Associated Press's new President and CEO Tom Curley announced on Friday that that AP is backing a new media advocacy center to lobby in Washington for open government.

"The powerful have to be watched, and we are the watchers," Curley said, "and you don't need to have your notebook snatched by a policeman to know that keeping an eye on government activities has lately gotten a lot harder."

Media calling for openness in government is easy. Calling for openness in the media themselves is much tougher. Even in his statement announcing a new initiative, the AP's Chief gives his colleagues a pass:

"It's entirely understandable -- and reasonable -- that the press and public were willing to step back for a time and give the government room to address an unknown and frightening threat" he said.'

Was it understandable and reasonable for media organizations to do more selling of the war than telling about it? Is it understandable and reasonable for this prison story to be treated the way it is being treated?

The Rumsfeld hearings were seen on CSPAN but not in prime time on the networks. Perennial soundbyte artist Richard Perle was back on CSPAN Sunday morning knocking the media for its obsession with violence, in effect, blaming the messenger to deflect attention away from the immorality of fighting this war.

Indeed, the messenger does deserve critical scrutiny. Not because mainstream media are obsessed with violence, as Perle claims, but because they have failed to rigorously question the official view of this war and to portray its human consequences.

It is time for the media to investigate itself.

-- News Dissector Danny Schechter writes a daily blog for MediaChannel.org and is now making a film on the media role in Iraq based on his book' EMBEDDED: Weapons of Mass Deception' (Prometheus Books).

© MediaChannel.org, 2004

*The photos that have been released show mainly humiliation. This leaves the majority of Americans with the impresion that no torture, rather abuse, has occured in the Prison Gulag of the US abroad. The photos that are being witheld show actual torture, rapes and beatings. The excuse that the events were just a little horsing around won't wash. That is why this censorship is wrong!

The Govt. and Congress want to keep the public from knowing that actual torture was carried out and not just by a few bad apples or isolated incidents but that it was a systematic policy sanctioned by Rumsfeld, Cheney and GW Bush.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 06:42 am
Jim wrote:
May I ask what is the purpose of publishing more photos (unless there is something truly new and different)?

The purpose appeared to be further fuel for John Kerry and company. The previous story is from last Wednesday, before the Senate had seen the new photos and videos. Now that the Senate has seen them, it appears that all that was shows was the soldiers having sex with each other, sometimes in front of Iraqis.

tor·ture - noun

Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.

The abuse and humiliation isn't called torture because it wasn't torture.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:57 am
Working here in Saudi Arabia, the purpose seems to be to inflame the local population even more, and get even more Americans working here killed.

Needless to say, this is not a goal near and dear to my heart.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:16 am
The abuse and humiliation isn't called torture because it wasn't torture.

No America doesn't do torture, they ship prisoners around the US Gulag to other countries like Egypt who really know torture.

Its a bit like invasions. America doesn't do invasions like Adolf Hitler, just incompetent "invasion-lite" a trade mark I believe of the Axis of Evil Corp. featuring Bush Cheney Rumsfeld and Sharon as leading players.

As I've explained elsewhere what disappoints me about this administration is that despite many favourable personal encounters with Americans, when I hear American accents on the media, I now want to puke.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:22 am
I wouldn't want to see the images myself, once an image is in m head, it won't go away. My imagination is quite active enough, thanks. I don't think that the images should be on any newspaper's front page. BUT, I agree that they should be made public, somehow and in such a way that not only those looking for them will see them.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:36 am
Personally I would like to see the pictures (the truth is the truth, and I'm entitled to it), but not have them spashed all over the news.

Maybe a government sponsored web page that had them, and if anyone wanted to see them, they could go there? I know it will never happen, but hey, a man can dream, can't he?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 05:22 pm
Well banning possible evidence is questionable.
Just don't get small children to watch that torture stuff. I found some more torture pics though :


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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:41 am
I dont want to see the Burg beheading or the torture of the Iraqie prisioners. My knowledge of what these things are is enough to to make me sick of the inhumanity shown by our government and the terroists. As I understand it there was also murders of some of the Iraqie prisoners which should be addressed.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:50 am
Tarantulas wrote:
Jim wrote:
May I ask what is the purpose of publishing more photos (unless there is something truly new and different)?

The purpose appeared to be further fuel for John Kerry and company. The previous story is from last Wednesday, before the Senate had seen the new photos and videos. Now that the Senate has seen them, it appears that all that was shows was the soldiers having sex with each other, sometimes in front of Iraqis.

tor·ture - noun

Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.

The abuse and humiliation isn't called torture because it wasn't torture.

Please give their treatment a name for us.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 01:27 am
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:22 am
If someone beat the He-l out of you with a horse whip for just one day I think your defination of abuse and torture might undergo a radical change. The rest of the defination for the difference between torture and abuse is I think decided by weather it is done to you or someone else.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:28 am
rabel22 wrote:
If someone beat the He-l out of you with a horse whip for just one day I think your defination of abuse and torture might undergo a radical change. The rest of the defination for the difference between torture and abuse is I think decided by weather it is done to you or someone else.

Who said anything about beating anyone with a horse whip all day? Now your just making stuff up. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:41 am
Mc Gentrix
Up to your old trick of misquoting a post. I never claimed that anyone was beaten by a horse whip. My post was in reference to what constituted torture as opposed to abuse. Try to read the real meaning in the post instead of distorting the meaning for your own politicle beliefs.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:56 am
As recently as January, Vice President Dick Cheney cited the discovery of two trucks as "conclusive" evidence of the mobile labs described by Powell. But CIA George Tenet later told Congress he had warned Cheney not to be so categorical about the discovery
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 11:11 am
JoanneDorel wrote:
As recently as January, Vice President Dick Cheney cited the discovery of two trucks as "conclusive" evidence of the mobile labs described by Powell. But CIA George Tenet later told Congress he had warned Cheney not to be so categorical about the discovery

Looks like you posted this in the wrong thread.

As I posted in another thread, which of the abuses do some of you folks consider to be torture, i.e., infliction of great physical pain? The beatings, certainly. Panties worn on the head, no. Those are easy. But where do you draw the line?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 11:12 am
That is a yes T so sorry now what to do about it? McGen will have a fit.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 11:41 am
rabel22 wrote:
Mc Gentrix
Up to your old trick of misquoting a post. I never claimed that anyone was beaten by a horse whip. My post was in reference to what constituted torture as opposed to abuse. Try to read the real meaning in the post instead of distorting the meaning for your own politicle beliefs.


The topic isn't what YOU would consider abuse vs. torture, it's about what happened to the prisoners in Abu Ghraim and whther THAT was torture or abuse. For you to interject your horse whip example was completely non-sequitor then, right?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:35 pm
Calling what was and prolly is still being done in the US Prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and Getmo "abuse" or "torture" doesn't change the fact that these acts are violations of the Geneva Convention Laws, which the US helped create, does it?

And yes, there was and most likely still is torture being carried out by the US and it's suragates.
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