Olivier5 wrote:
My question was: is Coulter a comic?
If she is, you comparison to another comic means: Coulter's not the worse comic out there on the US comic scene.
If she isn't, your comparison means nothing.
Sometimes it helps to be clear about what you are asking the first time around. In this case, though, I'm still not clear on what you're driving at.
I wouldn't call Coulter a "Comic," but I'm not sure what the definition of "Comic" is. Generally I reserve that title for people like Jonathan Winters, Richard Pryor, Louis C.K., Jim Norton and the like.
I would call Coulter a comical writer, pundit or personality.
She gives speeches that are comic, Garafolo does "stand-up" which, in her case, is not much more than an incoherent speech that is not very comical.
I don't know what Garafolo considers her profession to be, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't "Comic." I don't consider her a "Comic" per se.
In any case, Garafolo came up in conjunction with your comment about Coulter's looks, and was an example of someone I can say is fairly attractive despite the fact that I think she is a pretty much a talentless idiot. My point was that people should be able to divorce politics from consideration of a-political characteristics, such as whether or not someone is physically attractive or humorous. I also provided an example of someone (Bill Maher) who I found to be humorous despite largely disagreeing with his politics. If I was comparing Coulter to anyone, it was him.
If Coulter is not a "Comic" than any comparison to Garafolo is hardly meaningless. If someone who is not a "Comic" is funnier than someone who is, that certainly say something about the quality of comedic talent of the "Comic." You're funnier than Garafolo, but that says more about her than you.
If Garafolo is a "Comic" than virtually every other American "Comic" is not the worst on the US comedy scene, and obviously that would include
brilliant "Comics" so your attempt to render yet another of your negative opinions of Coulter is pretty strained here.