FWIW, I'm a Jew. Furthermore, call me 'that Jew' and see whether or not I care. Why would I care if someone did?! However, if you call someone
'Japanese slimeball' - now you are engaging in racist screed.
While, I don't agree with CI's views I've read in the past on Israel, I'm not ruffled about it..and I refuse to engage in ad hominem attacks. I distinguish between being critical of Israel and Israeli gov't policies and being critical of Jews, Jewish religion or Jews in general. Being critical of Israeli policy doesn't make him anti-Jewish (note that I didn't refer to anti-Semitism which is a misleading term).
I respect CI, and if he doesn't agree with me, he certainly can express himself however he feels without rancor or attacks on his heritage. Why do you engage is such a manner? Are you that thin-skinned or in need of anger management?