Advocate wrote:
Hey, don't get me wrong -- I despise Coulter. Unlike Finn, I find her pretty witless, and not that smart. (She out-and-out called Al Gore a fag, later saying that she was just joking. Some joke!) Her writing is popular with the right because it freely libels the left (lying is very popular with the right).
But I have big problems with soccer, for the reasons stated previously. I have been to ice hockey games, and have not seen the level of fouling that there is in soccer. Also, you don't have the dearth of scoring there is in soccer.
I think that soccer could be a good game, but only if the soccer authorities adopt my suggestions. I hope they give me credit for the changes.
I know, she's a shrill harpy that spouts nonsense, I don't care how popular she is with the knuckle draggers, but learning that she's ACTUALLY PRINTED in other countries I find embarrassing, even if Finn thinks she's witless. I'm not sure how many hockey games you've been to, but my introduction to hockey as I walked into the Civic Center, was stepping over blood stains from a fan who was just watching when the puck left the ice and broke his head. It's brutal, so is boxing, and American football leaves career players with early dementia. Soccer, is fun to watch until the players start their Sarah Bernhardt routines, then it's fun of a different sort. I like to rate the imaginary injuries that make muscular young men collapse when tapped, then fall to the ground in mock agony. It's very high drama.
But back to Ann, she says the things that zenaphobic zealots are too sissy to say. It makes them happy when the gal with the pipe cleaner arms and legs and five pounds of mascara smeared around her bloodshot eyes as she slaps nicotine patches all over ever inch of flesh that the camara can't see, (let me take a minute to say many bright people live in Texas, but the dopey citizens who buy her books because someone told them she's a Yankee you can trust aren't in the first group). So I'm with you there.
Sports have become very unsportsmanlike. Too many kids and professionals on roids. Recipe for disaster. Testosterone makes young men and boys do stupid things. I have 3 nephews, 1 surviving son, and a husband who no longer try's to play softball, but holy crap he had beautiful form while he played.
But talking about pro hockey, they don't score very often and most scores are low. If you get a 4 -3 that's a kickass game.
mr GB and I will be in Raileigh in early October for my husbands highschool reunion. We wil also meet up wil old friends we worked with back in the day, they have one house in Cary, and we plan to visit them. MGB's friend Jeff speakers Russian with a southern accent, he makes me laugh. So I'm looking forward to October.
I'm not scolding you Advocate, but there are very few sports that are still played as if the players knew anything about honor. It's all win regardless of the method. They are just testosterone laden young men (which is normal) being compared to that scrawny estrogen deprived venomous gal on the cusp of menopause (come and gone) who wants to bath in the glow of her profoundly stupid followers. Is this a great country or what.