Yes, there'll be something. They are masters at this, and the structure of modern media is advantageous. For example, as corporate ownership of media increases - along with attendent demands that newsrooms or papers make profit - then news tends to go the way of reality TV. That is, in the same way reality tv is very cheap to produce, news bureaus have cut back on foreign correspondents and foreign offices and large investigative teams, replacing them with cheap ops, administrative reps sent to the studio, footage borrowed from other networks, etc.
You know blatham, many people believe UBL was captured and either killed or just jailed months, maybe years ago, and Bushco is waiting to see how low the polls go before carting him out and parading him around for the cameras in order to rally voters back to the GOP fold.
You think they're that cynical?
It's a thought I've considered as well. It certainly may be the case that, in an earlier instance, the Americans held hostage were released (by agreement) at a time most beneficial for Reagan.
I actually think that if Rove figured he could get away with it, he'd do it. But that's an operation which would involve a LOT of people, and people can yap. So I think it unlikely on that basis.
well, we all know the moon shots were faked and that we never left Florida.
Exactly! That is the problem with conspiracies. Either you have to keep it really small or kill everybody or replace key figures with organic robotoids (though that last didn't work with Nixon, my mother in law remains undetected).
As I recall, Reagan's reputation never really recovered from that stunt either. He was forever saddled with the quid pro quo involving the hostages and the Iranians.
For some of us, that is so. But there is a huge Reagan-worshipping contingent who will utterly discount the notion.
Perhaps one day I'll set my very lazy self to the task of analysing the Reagan myth and its construction and maintenance. It's an interesting story. The recent concerted effort to get the made for TV movie on him suppressed, for example. Somebody has a very good understanding of how myth works in culture. Coulter's recent attempt to rewrite the story of Joe McCarthy points in the same direction.
Then you are a stronger man than me.
I cringe to imagine the day when Reagan finally passes on to that great GOP convention in the sky, and Reagan-worshippers everywhere take to the streets, wailing, sobbing, engaging in self-mutilation, as their uber-hero becomes but a footnote in history, ripe for the likes of Ann Coulter to try and deify with her poison pen, busily revising his every step and movement.
Republicans in the Senate will call for a national day of mourning, and some dingbat will undoubtedly suggest adding his face to Mt. Rushmore.
LOL...yes, Rushmore seems almost a sure bet.
Well, there is a story going around that an unnamed Washington press corp reporter is telling people that Bush is on medication - bid, and it has something to do with controlled seizures.
I will try to find the story in 'link' for and post it.
"an unnamed Washington press corp reporter is telling people that Bush is on medication - bid" deecups36
"bid?" What drug is this, Deecups?