jespah wrote:
You ever meet anybody who came back? I mean who claimed to be someone other than Cleopatra or Elvis. Because there have been a helluva lot more peasants than there have been kings in history. But it always seems, whenever anyone claims to be reincarnated, that they were some noble this, that, or the other thing. If it exists - and I bet you it doesn't - then the number of people who came from anyone famous is vanishingly small.
You know what?
I knew someone who whole heartedly believed she'd been here before, and she was just a regular person in her previous life.
My husband believes in reincarnation. I don't believe or disbelieve what he has to say, but as the years go on, more and more stuff happens that causes me to wonder about him. Too many things coming together. Can't explain it any better than that.
As far as the charlatans out there, well, they are there.
Someone gave me a book once, wanting me to read it, because it provided "proof"
I gave it back to them halfway through. When asked why I did, I showed them one (out of many) passages that was BS.
It was about someone who was hypnotized and was talking about how they were some person from years ago. The hypnotist asked the person while they were under "What year is it?"
The person replied "175 BC"
I said to the book lender "No one would ever say they were born in a year BC. They would only be BC according to a more modern calendar." At first the person didn't get it, telling me "But what if they were born in BC?"
BC as compared to what?
I love it. Like people were walking around saying "Well, this year 17BC was really tough. Let's hope 16BC will be better."