Thu 13 May, 2004 02:54 pm
Instead of the normally used Lancia, the Italian motorway police got that 300km/h (187 mph) fast Lamborghini (500 PS/493.16 hp) for patrolling on the route Salerno-Reggio Calabria.
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It's just one car, however, the police got as a present (and it has a not known price).
Cool! Now they'll catch every German nuthead who thinks autostrada and autobahn are one and the same thing.
Well, my dear mexican friend, it is more so that the german police should have a few of those along the borders to catch the new-rich guys from the other side of the border (read; Switzerland, not Swiss) that come in to germany to test how fast their newly purchased car really is... Long sentence, huh!?!
Agreed, the german drivers are used to higher speeds on the highway, that is true. But the keywords here are 'used to'.
An example: A friend of mine is driving thru the night, the autobahn is empty, he pushes his Porsche Turbo to the max. V-max on this beauty was 295km/h, approx. 185mph. Suddenly he sees lights in his rearview mirror, blinking (german highwaylanguage for GET OUT OF MY WAY)!!! My buddy got off the gas pedal, and he claims that he never went over 250km/h after that. Never. BTW, the car that passed him was a Ferrari. With swiss plates.
The Italians have such neat fast cars, but they are really shitty drivers. I expect this beauty will be greased in a fortnight or two.
Farmerman wrote:The Italians have such neat fast cars, but they are really shitty drivers. I expect this beauty will be greased in a fortnight or two.

I fully agree with you Farmerman.
Hmm, I didn't think italians were shitty drivers, but I wasn't there more than a few months all together. Could stop on a dime, they could.
That road through Calabria could be interesting; I think that was where an american child was killed by some thuggy types in some kind of stupid ambush and the situation turned out, if not well, to be a connection between that family and the local village. I could have that story wrong, but something like that.
Nice police car..
They cannot be worse driver than the Japanese. Tokoyo is a driving nightmare.
Never been in Newfoundland...huh?
newfie drivers just have nothing to lose.
Really they are that bad. New Found Land seems so quaint.
They had/have a way of driving we used to call "Newfie Free Style". You would be on a narrow winding road a shear rock clift face on one side, a straight drop to the sea on the other, with no shoulder. There would be a trailer truck in first gear and 10 or more cars stacked up behind it...and someone trying to pass them all. If you were coming the other way it was a real thrill.
Wow sounds challanging and similar to driving in the Rockies in the 50s and 60s or through Mesa country in the high deserst of the South West US.
did you work at L'Anse AQux Meadows??
Wow sounds challanging and similar to driving in the Rockies in the 50s and 60s or through Mesa country in the high deserst of the South West US.
L'Anse Aqux Meadow? No, but I have been there. I ( and my now ex) wife were going up to Red Bay in Labrador (that place is a whole other story) . We took a week that summer and went camping in eastern Newfoundland (couldn't afford a hotel.. those were the days).
I've never been too happy on roads like that when they are empty of cars... and am really stressed in the kind of situation you mention, Acquiunk. Ooooeeee.
the italian police are gonna use that car to transport organs from one hospital to another... between car chases! which btw, costs 156,000Euros... nobbad for a 310kph car!
(as fas as i know... the american cops had a couple of lamborghini diablos back in the day... )
Calif HP had a couple of fast Italian cars in the 80s to try to stop the midnight racing on Rt 5 from Sacramento and south. The big custom 700HP streetmochines just blew them away. I lived in Stockton for a while and wed go down to a Liquor Barn near 5 and watch the show.
The cops finally wised up and controlled the exits
Most organ transport around US is done by police cars and hooked up with choppers. I could not see a Lamborghini on I 95 with an organ. By the time the driver got through the traffic jams and the highway crews, the organ would be spoiled