ossobuco wrote:....I have an a2k habit that some may have run across, that is writing stream of conscious like, near or actually incoherent, and then come back and edit it. If you catch it before the first few edits, wha?? (and sometimes after them, wha?)...
Naw, can't say I've ever noticed! :wink:
Okay, my turn to 'fess up.
I think it real life, I'm a difficult person to get to know well. I tend to be reserved (read distant) except for my immediate family. Some probably think I'm a "right snot" because I won't talk to them. My wife tells me that I give out all sorts of "stay away" vibes when in public.
If I don't like you, my silence and body language will signal that.
Here, on A2K, I'm probably a lot friendlier than IRL and much more communicative.
IRL, if you were to phone our home, my wife would answer 99.9% of the time. I hate talking on the phone, except for family. My wife screens all calls for me, and if she figures I don't want to talk to them (sales call, charities, etc, etc), she'll tell them so.
Here, on A2K, I really make good efforts to communicate, although I sometimes tend to have trouble getting my opinions across to the readers. It's not that I can't write well, but rather I'm not always sure how I feel about a subject.
I abhor conflict, whether IRL or on A2K, and will avoid like the plague if at all possible. I do have a few regrets though on some incidents.
IRL, I have no friends. I hope I've made a few on here.