Wed 12 May, 2004 05:45 pm
Are you the same as in real life or are you different. If so, in what way?
In real life, I rarely discuss religion or politics...................except with my husband!
Real life? What? Is there something you guys have kept secret from me?
But honestly, if it were possible to get out of this computer I would probably just disolve into the air without a body an' all.
I am quiet, and avoid conflict. My mother calls me The Peacemaker in the family.
My husband calls me a bleeding heart liberal, and my son thinks I'm tolerant and liberal to a fault. My daughter's friends hang out here, because I'm the Cool Mom.
<I think that'd be different.>
Liberal? Liberal???!
On the other hand, that makes me hold out hope that we're managing to corrupt Sofia after all...
The Cool Mom part is obvious, tho.
Ummm ... no, but I'd like to be.
With BBB, what you read is what you get.
Yeah - I am the same. Goddess help us all...
You took my line. Fealota says it's the a2k mind meld, twice today for both her and me.
I'm sure many of you have said to yourselves, "that ehBeth, she's SO tall"
Well, IRL, I'm not tall.
The rest of me is pretty much the same.
I get to discuss things here that I can't bring up with most of my friends. Other than that I am the same online as offline.
Sofia wrote:HA!
My husband calls me a bleeding heart liberal, and my son thinks I'm tolerant and liberal to a fault.
<I think that'd be different.>
I have the same views here and home, but they play differently to the hometown audience...
i like to think i'm the same person but i'm probably not
I'm pretty much the same. I always try to post as if I were in a room talking with other posters. I'm not big on hiding behind an image or computer. But, then again, I guess that's part of the mystique of the Internet.
I'm pretty much the same, but less silly.
I read better'n I listen, write better'n I speak, so I'm more disjointed in person.
Oh, and I'm slimmer in person. Remember, the camera adds 15 pounds.
Don't let that Phoenix fool you. She's not really a towering giant in real life, but is just as lovable as online.
Probably not all that different, which may not be all that good.
In real life I am very shy