Yes, I am in favor of getting rid of the electoral college. If we were to get rid of the electoral college, the presidential candidates would put more time and emphasis on the most populated states. Republicans would spend more time in traditionally populated democratic states like California and New York. Democrats would spend more time in traditionally republican states like Texas. The reason for this is because those huge populated states will no longer be winner take all. They would become one person and one vote. Winning any particular state would no longer be the goal of presidential candidates. Instead the goal would be to win as many votes as you can within the most populated states. It being a red state, a blue state, a deep red state, or a deep blue state would no longer matter. Only thing that would matter would be that they be heavy populated states.
Both republicans and democrats would virtually ignore the smaller less populated states and focus most of their time on the larger more populated states.
Both parties would spend virtually all of their time in California, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Minnesota, Wisconsin, and possibly two or three other states. Both parties would virtually ignore most of the middle of the country. Both parties would virtually ignore most of the south.