Re: Anyone have an answer to my question no one else has ask
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:What is going on in the military that they have that many court martials each year? The military is comprised of selectively accepted members, highly trained, in a very closely supervised environment, yet it has 18,000 trials each year. To me that is astonishing.
Isn't that a high ratio in the approximately 3 million people in the military?
What do you attribute such a high rate of offense to?
When you consider that items that most of us consider "normal day-td ay" happenings can be Court Martial offenses in the military it isn't all the surprising. If you are in the military you face a Court Martial for showing up late for work (or for showing up early!), wearing the wrong shirt to work, wearing the wrong color socks, bouncing a check, having a broken tail light on your car, calling someone a jerk, your hair being to long, etc, etc, etc... I saw someone get one because someone was sending spam to his e-mail account!
Normally those are all very minor offenses but there are a lot of officers that have their heads so far up their butts that they think bringing people up on charges is "fun".