As someone who tries to think optimally i have to figure out what exactly i am doing when i am under the impression that i am thinking. It is the core of postulation , the projectural ( i use the word projectural instead of the word conjectural to aid in the understanding of what your thoughts really are within the dynamic of causality and how it fits within material evolution, rationally we cant claim our thoughts as if we own them. Every electromagnetic discourse of the earth, including the purest physicality of neurological processes, directly is a recalibrating effect of gravity as we continue to spin on axis and around the sun, and our traveling through the cosmos at 66,000 mph- this fact never changes . The complete exclusion of the metaphysical connotations in the defining of thought is foundational for absolute thinking.
We should always keep this basic description of the thought in mind. This will keep us on the right side of the tensal divide, meaning that if we observe ourselves expressing thought with pure intent we have distorted our inclusion in the flow of causal material progress--we must understand that we are causal, therefore no thought nor action has ever been out of place or wrong in terms of causal materialization sequency . There is no you nor I per se , no thought per se. We cant rationally claim construction of anything but the absolute totality of reality ,without committing to subjective technicality . we cant logically say that an object is, opposed to another object is what i am saying, for we cannot rationally reduce the reality totality) maintenance of the neurologic specificacy that guides the postulation through the extrapolation of the said occurring neurological specification.
With a layer of subjectivity added it would sound like this : the thought , the idea , that gives you the impression that there is a future accuracy in time, for we do not usually postulate perceived inaccuracy, accuracy that will ease the tension of material incongruity subconsciously perceived by organisms. It is not something that you can feel readily because of how elementary particles are set up scalarly in the atom - we have no conscious representation of how say higgs bosons affect the thought pattern exactly, but they invariably do for they are part of the atom.
To be in reality you have to be intra-relative, meaning that you are a part of the total substantive , therefore as you "experience"(there can be no rational context for experience excepting the actuality of an absolutive reality), reality is invariably experienced as if a lacking state, and will always be approached as if a lacking state. This is materially invariable, therefore you think, you perceive an existence invariably. intelligence is defined always within an acquisitive context for this fact, meaning that intelligence never dislocates what is already known or resulted from knowing because material evolution occurs in time, and from one state to the next can only be rationally defined as extrapolation. All experience is anti-totality, for the fact that a totality cannot have something for a relative, therefore if you are invariably experionical, you and everybody that experience are the only anti-ism there can be rationally, keeping in mind that this is only technical. and as thought itself is you have to see the universe as an incongruous feature of yourself, whether you are conscious of it or not , for the neuroscape is photonic and photonic -reflective ,meaning that our thought arises from photon to photon discourse and how the photon can possibly reflect its discourse with other particles that are not photons .
Knowledge should be defined not as active search equals retention, but as invariable inclusion , equals the maintenance of totality only, meaning that for the fact that you are here ,so-called you could only be rationally defined as a dependent feature therefore we appear to ourselves to be inescapably causal, therefore our perception offers us no actual independence nor independence for itself , but only a directive toward a perceived active synthesis between the universe and oneself, so what we think is the function of knowledge is materially the maintenance of the totality, that we cannot rationally subdivide at any time for any purpose whatsoever , therefore you can never think yourself into an irrational definition of self . As far as totality goes it does not matter what synopsis of reality you might hold as true, it must be a perceived totality, if you are theistic or atheistic you have to construe a totality- your god and the reality he or she created is the totality of what is, for you as a theist. What this means is that if you see yourself as a relative of other objects in reality, you have made yourself incongruous materially; because it is invariable , thought is incongruous. Also for the fact that it inherently conveys requirement-you cannot think without expressing an atomic requirement, or a socalled cognitive requirement