Thu 25 Jun, 2015 05:41 am - I asked you to stop reading it. Please show some professionalism and do not. Please. I am a professional writer. And I expect that you can respect my wishes. Please. (view)
Thu 25 Jun, 2015 01:53 am - The basis for a reality, before we begin to work out how reality functions, has to be established.
Given that reality represents the entirety of everything, if not for its own state, what is... (view)
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 08:25 pm - When someone does not know that they are greedy it is hard to connotate the trait with the sinisterism that makes it's popularity, but when it becomes conscious it is in most cases a... (view)
Fri 10 Oct, 2014 06:18 pm - I fully understand this question but, does the "soul" have to be magical, or can it be made of elementary particles? (view)
Sun 14 Sep, 2014 02:12 pm - The Cinza Universe: a beginning view of the Arx.
The Basic layout of the Nonium( the universe)
Noncentralent quanta is what underscore the cosmos, lying just beyond Planck scale.
These... (view)
Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:57 am - The horizon.
The horizon problem in physics is easy to understand, light from distant enough events can't reach us until long after the event has occurred, therefore we are not affected... (view)
Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:51 am - When I express the existence of an ultimate symmetry, that is not the long classic dimensionalable context that gives premise to dimensionization as the only description of physical... (view)
Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:46 am - There is no other possible source for gravity but the electron cloud of atoms. It's appearance must be in sequence with the atomic spectrum as the finishing. It is that space has a preform... (view)
Fri 5 Sep, 2014 07:33 am - After months of claiming that our most popular fatal diseases will be cured I have not yet shown an outline of the methodology that will intend( most importantly succeed) to provide cures for these... (view)