Foxfyre, re your post of May 19-10:46
Yes I have, and IMO experience and observation bears me out. Consider
Franklin D.Rooseveldt-- Yalta,( allowing the State to enslave citizens for the benefit of the State) income tax,social security (refusal of the rights of ownership)
Harry S. Truman-- Mcarthy hearings ( violations of the right of free association) Violation of the first amendment- US Constitution.
Dwight D. Eisenhauer-- In God We Trust (violation of the secularity which he swore to uphold)
John F. Kennedy--Make the world safe for democracies-Viet-Nam( refusal to accept the validity of others ideas)
Lyndon B. Johnson-- Viet-Nam (Not allowing a UN mandated election which Ho Chi Minh would have won)
Richard M. Nixon-- Dollar devaluation (stealing from the people) Watergate (lying to the people)
Gerald Ford--Caretaker
Jimmie Carter--Hostage situation--Dollar devalued. Incompetent military- (Stealing from the people- Failed as Commander in Chief)
Geo Bush Sr.-- Kuwait--Desert Storm, Left an aggressive, brutal, egomaniacal dictator in charge when it was easily possible to depose him
William Clinton-- Kosovo, Monicagate,Sudan (Allowed massacres and genocide for a quick blow job) Stupidity. For a Rhodes Scholar he certainly was a disappointment
G.W. Bush-- Iraq (Jury is still out) Patriots Act. ( which includes the right of the federal government to disallow legal representation to persons accused of terrorism). How long before the Christians disallow the right of a person accused of Atheism to have a lawyer
These are all the Presidents that I can remember Cut me a little slack on Rooseveldt as I was only about four years old when he died.
If, as you claim, These were all Christians then I would have to note that when a Christian becomes a politician he can prevaricate as well as a preacher.
My Second point is that if a Christian is perfectly willing to fib when he says he "Knows" Christian doctrine is fact then it follows that he is perfectly willing to fib on more important things, like the aforementioned observations clearly (IMO) show.
Foxfyre, It seems to me that you are a very nice person, one that I would "cross a river with".
May I, at the risk of being impertinent, ask you to examine your "revealation", "epiphany", or "enlightenment" to see if it has any basis in observations.
We Atheists could use a few more literate, thinking disciples :wink: