Foxfyre, The intelligentsia found their way out with the help of
Jesus, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler,Jeanne D'Arc,Martin Luthor, Mahatma Ghandi, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, Martin Luthor King Jr. The list of "good" people is nearly endless.
Some of these persons "professed" Christianity. It could be fatal not to.

Some probably actually were Christians but the one thing that they had in common was an ability to say "something is not just right here." And then to have the will to do something about it.
I admire Jesus, but that doesn't make me a Christian nor Him divine. Martin Luthor King Jr. may have had feet of clay but that does not negate the "fact" that "he had a dream". Budda may have been bulimic but a quest for truth (enlightenment) is not a bad idea at all.
The God described in the Torah--- The God described in the Gospels--- The God described in the Koran--- The Great Spirit of the American Aboriginals. These are all Monotheistic Gods and they all had lesser spirits to help them as necessary. The Hindu Gods are not nearly so monopolistic.
All one has to do is read these "inspired Books" and you soon realize that they are not all describing the same God, no matter how far you stretch the imagination, or make allowances for different times, cultures, or situations.
Or perhaps my imagination is simply inadequate

Personally I figure that Jesus was an Atheist, working as best he could with the superstitions and establishments availiable to him, to better the lot of mankind.