Hi I just wrote a short "essay" for fun, and I wanna hear what you think, and how I can make it better.

Maturity comes when the light of the world reaches innocents eyes, yet that light isn’t always bright and bubbly. Light can be dark. Maturity is the realization of a mother’s three jobs and the absence of a father. It comes with the sight of a mother’s hunched back from washing clothes, and feeling a father’s calloused hands scratch back at your hand. It comes with the sight of the bills, and realization that there might not be enough money for the other sibling’s college tuition. With maturity, a burden is put upon one’s shoulders and increased tenfold with everything you experience. But as this burden weighs down, and you bend your neck to accompany it, you see the world more clearly than ever before, and although this pain seeps through your spine, the beauty of the world shines brighter than ever before.