Fri 7 May, 2004 06:42 am
Says bush...however, I'm betting the right wing still finds it preferable to the stain on Monicas dress :wink:
Mr. Bush may apologize until hell freezes over, but in the Arab world, the USA is now seen not only as bellicose, but arrogant and savage, and an afront to Islam.
In my view, Mr. Bush must fire Donald Rumsfeld. This act will go a very long way to supporting the notion that Bush's apology wasn't an 11th hour act of contrition after licking his finger and holding it up in the wind to test the direction of the political wind.
Islam, as it it is practiced by some, is an affront to humanity.
Rumsfeld is going to eat it.
Bush (as is typical) will eventually be forced to fire him.
The easiest way of predicting the course of events in the final months of this disastrous regime is to listen to what Bush says, and then consider the exact opposite as accurate.
McGentrix, is an afront to this forum.
Bush's greatest assets are control of the armed forces and the White House. Both of which have been the equivalent of sacred cows to most Americans for generations ..... although much has happened in recent years to discredit both.
McGentrix wrote:Islam, as it it is practiced by some, is an affront to humanity.
As is Christianity. What's your point?
Ignoring the byplays, the header is exactly right.
Simply responding to GU's "Mr. Bush may apologize until hell freezes over, but in the Arab world, the USA is now seen not only as bellicose, but arrogant and savage, and an afront to Islam."
I don't believe that those who live in glass houses should throw stones.
greenumbrella astutely observes: "McGentrix, is an afront to this forum."
Yeppir green. Yeppir.
infowarrior wrote:greenumbrella astutely observes: "McGentrix, is an afront to this forum."
Yeppir green. Yeppir.
Please, you're embarrassing me with all this attention.
The outcome of this event is already in play. Anytime a president states that
"I have all the confidence in----------------"
That guy is gone..
The neocons are now deserting the GOP, this is an interesting happening in DC. They are more aligning themselves with the Dem warhawks than with Bush.
(of course I dont want them back) I just wish we could have a president come out with
1We f*d up here
2We really F*d up bad
3 We need some assistance (fat chance now)
4We plan to restore the Constitution to its full authority
5We are gonna work on extracting ourselves or else were gonna turn Iraq into an armed fort. (im ambivalent about the b est way , cause this is such a Bulgarian cluster F* now)
well farmerman I think you are spot on right. I have a strong feeling that keryy will win the elections, not that it will make one iota of difference for the rest of the world but instead of having a republican dolt, we all will have a democrat one ruining our lives....
Negative attention is better than no attention at all. :wink:
SADLY, i AGREE. I was a kid when Kennedy reigned-he was the last president to embody the 'buck stops here'
wHile I didnt mind Reagan, he was busy disassembling needed institutions and using his anti Red mind to make policy.
Clinton had so damn much promise and ability. he became distracted .
this fool(Bush) is dangerous to us and the entire world. If Kerry's election does nothing else, it will be a symbolic hand to the world that shows that when a nation like US screws up , we can do it bigtime. AND , also,we can, as a republican democracy, fix it by voting the bums out. I think that would be a good message to the non believers.
"this fool(Bush) is dangerous to us and the entire world." farmerman
Agreed. And well said.