No, kids want their MUMS, not their dads..

It's hardwired into our DNA from ancient times that dad goes out hunting, and mum looks after the cave and kids, that's the natural harmonious order of things.
My mum occasionally took temporary evening part-time jobs, and although dad was home with us, me and my sister still badly missed her for the couple of hours she was gone.
An episode of the old Dick van Dyke show summed it up perfectly when mum Mary Tyler Moore was away from the family home for a few days, and the storyline revolved around Dick's comical attempts to take her place.
At one point the son is moping and missing his mum, so Dick offers him a banana to cheer him up.
"No thanks!" says the kid.
"But I thought you liked bananas?" asks Dick
"I do" replies his son sulkily, "but mom's bananas are better!"