Republicans Unanimously Block Debate On Gender Pay Equity Bill
Source: TPM
SAHIL KAPUR – APRIL 9, 2014, 11:37 AM EDT
Senate Republicans voted unanimously on Wednesday to block debate from beginning on Democratic-led legislation aimed at narrowing the pay gap between men and women.
The motion to proceed to the Paycheck Fairness Act received 53 votes for, and 44 against, falling short of the 60 needed to defeat a filibuster.
"This legislation would double down on job loss all while lining the pockets of trial lawyers," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). "In other words, it's just another Democratic idea that threatens to hurt the very people that it claims to help. ... We've already seen what five and a half years of Washington Democratic control has meant. More poverty and lower wages for women."
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), is backed by President Barack Obama. It would make it easier for a woman to sue an employer if she's getting paid less than a male counterpart for doing the same work. It would also prohibit employer retaliation against workers for talking about how much they earn.
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