New Internet Site Turns Critical Eyes and Ears to the Right

Reply Sun 2 May, 2004 10:52 pm
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 755 • Replies: 12
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 01:58 pm
How great.

Are you beginning to get the impression the entire house of cards are beginning to fall down around Bush's neck? Laughing
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 02:34 pm
This, like Franken's activism, I think comes from a belated recognition by liberals that conservatives have out-maneuvered us with media. That might even be fine, were it not for the extremism of modern 'conservatism' in America.
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 02:56 pm
Okay - from my reckoning there are a few bastions for conservative media. Such as Fox News, Talk Radio and a few shows on CBS. The majority of the media has a liberal slant to it. I have watched it on my local news at night on on the evening news on the major channels. Though I would love to see ALL media report only the facts, I don't think that will ever happen.

And I see that Infowarrior is taking this as another oppertunity to bash the president.
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 02:59 pm
I'm glad James Hormel is donating money.
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 03:15 pm

Well, it does depend on what criteria you have for your reckoning.

I could point you to a number of studies, eg.,
"Journal of Communication", autumn 1999 (p. 46) "The Politics of Conservative Elites and the 'Liberal Media' Argument", etc.

...but you're better off reading Alterman's book "What Liberal Media", or even just sitting down at Borders for an hour and reading the introductory chapter.
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 03:22 pm
Personally I think they are all crap. I don't really trust any of them to report the truth anymore. I personally try to listen to all of them and see what items are the same in all of the stories and I take that for fact.
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 07:40 pm

I'm not so sceptical. It seems to me there are some clear means to thread our way through the fibbers. Where someone is pretty continually uncareful in the claims they make, or if they argue using a lot of innuendo and insinuation but few facts, or where they avoid certain protocols like substantiation (good end/footnotes), or where they are reluctant to admit previous errors...those are the boys and girls to be avoided.
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Reply Tue 4 May, 2004 10:02 pm
Good points, blatham. I've become a much more critical reader since coming to a2k, thanks to you and many others.
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Reply Wed 5 May, 2004 12:56 am
Interesting topic.

Here, in the deep south, where even ABC affiliates bash "the Liberal media", there is a firestorm burning away party solidarity:


>Violation of the 11th Commandment?
A complaint filed with the Alabama Republican Party contends that conservative Christian talk show host Kelly McGinley should not be on the GOP primary ballot for a state school board seat partly because she has criticized President Bush.
McGinley of Mobile says she has conservative views that differ from Bush's on certain issues and they should not disqualify her from being on the GOP ballot.
State GOP Chairman Marty Connors said Monday the party's candidate committee also will look into McGinley's support of the Constitution Party, a national political organization that has supported ousted Chief Justice Roy Moore.
Connors said McGinley has publicly stated that people should not vote for Bush, but instead should support the Constitution Party. --<
Complaint challenges GOP candidate for state school board (AP via Al.com)


Reagan's 11th Commandment.
"Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."

>MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) -- A judge ordered the Alabama Republican Party to reinstate a Christian radio talk show host on the June 1 primary ballot Tuesday, saying the party's rules regarding candidate loyalty were too vague.<


Righteousness or Republicanism
By Kelly McGinley
February 3, 2004
This country is in a constitutional and moral crisis and the blind loyalty to the Republican Party has a lot to do with the problem. We have got to stop supporting a candidate just because he or she has an "R" before his or her name...."

I am committed to the platform of the Rep. party and will actively expose the RINO's.< Republican In Name Only >
I will not check my brain, my freedom of speech, or my Christian principles at the door of the big tent of the Rep. party."-Kelly McGinley<
(far more at website)
© 2004 Kelly McGinley - All Rights Reserved
Source: Posted at NewsWithViews.com, Feb. 3, 2004
Kelly McGinley is a Christian radio talk show host. Her show, "Re-Taking America," heard in Alabama and Florida, can also be heard 24/7 on the internet at www.retakingamerica.com. Her show is about cultural, political and world events through a biblical world view. Kelly can be contacted at [email protected]


"My principles come before my party affiliation. Would to goodness that this were true of everyone."...
"...we must make decisions not based on Party labels, but principles."
"This country and the values upon which it was founded are more important than party loyalty.
-Mark Owsley

Not exactly a meltdown, but deeply disturbing.

This has been the solid (R) south ever since Nixon's Southern Strategy,
and the post Civil Rights defection of the Dixiecrats effectively moved Southern Conservative Democrats into the Republican party.

I would like to remind all that, at a 1996 televised town Hall Meeting;
President Clinton stated:
"Many fine decent people are Republicans."

IMHO There are both good and bad people on both sides.

As Jack Kemp once said:
"We're all Americans.
We all believe in our system of government.
We're just arguing over the details."

"Dole/Kemp96" Former Congressman Jack Kemp was Dole's VP running mate.
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Reply Wed 5 May, 2004 05:07 am
morning prayer...

May McGinley have many offspring. May the offspring grab up the jawbone of an ass or any other domestic animal handy, and smite righteously left and, particularly, right. May it come to pass that Roy Moore and Ralph Reed aim a Lexus up towards San Franciso, and there, wed.
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Reply Wed 5 May, 2004 07:32 am
Sounds to me like Brock is assuaging his guilt for sleeping with the devil and sullying the reputations of some very prominent Democrats.

I still think he's a scumbag, but I welcome his work here.
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Reply Wed 5 May, 2004 08:43 am
infowarrior, my own opinion os Brock is that he soaked as much money out of the right wing as he could until it lost interest in him. Now he has turned his attention to the left to do the same thing. But even scumbags can be useful at times. This may be one of them. Lets give this scumbag the benefit of the doubt to learn if he has truly repented of his previous ways.

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