Why is everybody so concerned about "Creation", about a beginning, about a God who did all this
There is no such thing as "nothing" , .....
there was always "something".....we are existing in
an infinite continuum which becomes a reality when our consciousness becomes aware of it, and will immediately cease to be a reality the moment we die.
It's the age old question of 'if god created man, then who created god?"
The answer, if indeed it is the answer, is simple. When our awarenesses are placed within a reality that contains a complex network of information and gross sensory input, then it somehow feel's incorrect, when placed against the backdrop of such complexity to look upon the beginning of all as anything other than an incalculable, multi-faceted process spanning many dimensions and levels.
The something that created everything, can not contain anything. It can not be made up of parts, or matter. Nor, of course, can it be an infinite process of God manifestation. Something, just is.
How you look upon this something is up to you. I would say, when looking upon this creationary device, that it is nothing. Awareness though, crops up in many strange places, and a situation where a absolutely nothing exists breeds awareness...there is no true nothing..even the nothing must have boundaries, or failing that, a feeling of it's nothingness..a tangible impression of itself, and from this..the need to create; stretch itself within its creations...
So what created us is nothing, and what we are is either nothing or something - though nothing and something are not what are paramount here..what is important, is awareness, and the singular perception that results from this awareness when placed within...systems.
"The culminative thought process of each self, within each layer, manifest and send a totalic idea of reality back 'up' through the layers. The core self assimilates and sends back this mentalisation as perceptional, sensory and command-ing reality. Change IS constant."
We are but a microcosm of a larger reality that will never be solved by humans.
cicerone imposter;
Agreed. Seems like a lot of the
philosophers aboard have a similar perspective. But just to be onside with complete conformity, can I infer fron this that the need of a "creator" is far removed from your probing ?
Totally removed from gods and creationism.
We are like the Seinfeld show. However, we are very good at trumpeting our own cause. Religion is one of the tools and makes a somewhat reliable horn.
(That horn also hits a lot of sharps and flats, though).
cicerome imposter: thank heavens you are consistent.....it is a virtue you have preserved even from your "abuzz" days.......I am in full agreement with all your constructive remarks. It saves me a lot of typing, and find my thoughts more eloquently expressed. I sometimes wonder at your patience.
Tisha..............You said what I was going to say, with a nice twist. I can't understand how people
insist on a beginning for everything, including the
Universe (Cosnos)....when you and I know that it was ALWAYS there !
Me? Patience? ha ha ha Thanks for a good laugh for the day.
I'm not sure what you mean by "ALWAYS there," but homo habilis is estimated to have about 2.2 million years on this planet. We are the byproduct of the apes - or the chimps. Their DNA is only 2 percent off from homo sapiens, and we all originated from Africa - as is believed by most anthropologists.
All this information was not available when some "wise" men wrote the books of the bible. They also didn't have information on the age of the galaxies, and how long it takes light to travel.
But religion is religion; man has created many different gods and dogmas along the way. That the majority of humans need religion is a far gone conclusion.