Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 12:59 am
anonymously99 wrote:

I find it humorous you make well known your jealousy of God.

Typical nonsense theists like to claim because they simply can't grasp how a person is not convinced that there is a god. I have already pointed that out. I am not jealous in any way. In fact I am not even a jealous person at all. You just want to invent things about me to square it in your mind. The fact is I am not convinced that there is a god. This universe does not reflect the existence of one as I have pointed out already.

anonymously99 wrote:

Everything happens for a reason don't you believe? I do.

No I don't believe everything happens for a reason. I think there are explanations for everything although we might not always have to tools or reasoning to pin point them. With the proper information everything can be explained.

anonymously99 wrote:

Why have I suffered the mental suffering I've suffered and continue? Why do others suffer as they suffer? I'm sure some wonder, where is God and why isn't he helping them out of the suffering.

We suffer because of our attachments and inability to let things be the way they are. People have expectations of existence and when those are not met they get upset, angry, mad, frustrated, ect. Suffering arises when you desire things to be different than they are.

anonymously99 wrote:

I do believe for who each of us are we live through what we live through for a reason otherwise we wouldn't be who we are today, we won't be who we will become in the future.

You have no choice to live through what you live through. You are pretending as if you do have a choice to live. You don't. So you either learn something from your experiences or you don't. There is no motivation for putting you through suffering. As I have already explained. Suffering is wanting things to be different than they are.

anonymously99 wrote:

I honestly believe everything happens for a reason. God is everywhere. He sees everything. Knows everything. I find God truly amazing because nothing can be greater than God with God's powers, abilities, knowledge and so forth.

If god knows everything, then this god would know that I am not convinced. So punishing me because I am not convinced is not benevolent at all, it is down-right cruel. If this god knows everything, then it would know what it would take to convince me, yet why hasn't it done so? Is it waiting for something? If it is waiting then I am not responsible for lacking the necessary information to make the proper decision, so punishing me for not being convinced is once again not benevolent.

This god would have to know what would convince me, yet I am not convinced. Not my fault, nor should I have to abandon myself to trick myself into being convinced like I think just about every christian does. They toss out reason and believe because they WANT to believe it is true. That isn't good enough for me and if a god exists it would know what I say is true. So the fact that it doesn't bother trying to convince me leaves me to one conclusion. It doesn't exist and that is why I am not convinced.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:12 am
We suffer because of our attachments and inability to let things be the way they are. People have expectations of existence and when those are not met they get upset, angry, mad, frustrated, ect. Suffering arises when you desire things to be different than they are.

I'm actually quite fine. I feel fine. I feel pleased with myself. Guilt free. I feel I'm actually ready to move on to the next life. That it is okay for me to die. For me to die, to pass on right now. That is how I feel.

I don't think you understand. You're suffering right now. Do you understand? You're longing for something. You're upset. Aggravated. These feelings are intense. You play your character well.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:26 am
anonymously99 wrote:
I don't think you understand. You're suffering right now. Do you understand? You're longing for something. You're upset. Aggravated. These feelings are intense. You play your character well.

The fact that you are fine with death is the aspect that annoys me yes. Because you think you are going to get something after you die. That you are going to continue existing. When I hear this, it makes me think that you take a huge **** on this life, that you are only looking forward to the next one. A life that you don't even know exists. So you are willing to toss out something that you know for something that "might" be true. It shows that you have no value for this existence. And you embody this ignorance and spread it onto others like a mental virus.

You can claim all you want that I am aggravated or upset or suffering. That is only an outward appearance based on how I interact with you and your delusion. I am abrasive because it works. Respect for ignorance only encourages the ignorance to propagate.

It is no different, if I saw you walking down the street tossing garbage on the ground. So I walk up to you and say, hey this isn't right. And you respond by trying to tell me to respect you and allow you to continue littering because it is your right. So the only thing to get you to realize the error is to show it to you. But you think that is aggravation. It's not, it is concern. If I didn't care, I wouldn't even be here typing, I wouldn't be here at all period.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:28 am
If god knows everything, then this god would know that I am not convinced. So punishing me because I am not convinced is not benevolent at all, it is down-right cruel. If this god knows everything, then it would know what it would take to convince me, yet why hasn't it done so? Is it waiting for something? If is waiting then I am not responsible for lacking the necessary information to make the proper decision, so punishing me for not being convinced is once again not benevolent. This god would have to know what would convince me, yet I am not convinced. Not my fault, nor should I have to abandon myself to trick myself into being convinced like I think just about every christian does. They toss out reason and believe because they WANT to believe it is true. That isn't good enough for me and if a god exists it would know what I say is true. So the fact that it doesn't bother trying to convince me leaves me to one conclusion. It doesn't exist and that is why I am not convinced.

You either believe or you don't.

I don't know what made you think there's no God. The evidence is right before your face each day. You are a living, breathing creation of God and you refuse He who created you. How could you refuse him, his love, such love. What made you have so much hate within yourself. I wish I could help you onto the right path to Jesus Christ, and God. To heaven.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:34 am
The fact that you are fine with death is the aspect that annoys me yes. Because you think you are going to get something after you die. That you are going to continue existing. When I hear this, it makes me think that you take a huge **** on this life, that you are only looking forward to the next one. A life that you don't even know exists. So you are willing to toss out something that you know for something that "might" be true. It shows that you have no value for this existence. And you embody this ignorance and spread it onto others like a mental virus.

We exist because of God.

King James Bible
Genesis 1:27 
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

John 3:16
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:35 am
anonymously99 wrote:
I don't know what made you think there's no God. The evidence is right before your face each day. You are a living, breathing creation of God and you refuse He who created you. How could you refuse him, his love, such love. What made you have so much hate within yourself. I wish I could help you onto the right path to Jesus Christ, and God. To heaven.

Being alive in no way supports the existence of any gods. I don't see the self as a thing, or entity. The self is just a culmination of elements. Just like my river analogy.

What do we call a river? The water? But the water constantly changes, it is never the same water from moment to moment because the water is moving being replaced constantly. So is it the channel, the path the water takes, is that the river? If it is, then when the river dries up do we sill call it a river? No we don't. So is it the combination of the channel and the water? What exactly constitutes a river?

The self is the same way. It is a merging of elements that gives the appearance of an entity. But really there is no entity at all. The self is like the water flowing through the channel, constantly changing and never repeating. One day the self will evaporate..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:37 am
anonymously99 wrote:
We exist because of God.
John 3:16
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Like I said before, quoting the bible to me has as much impact as if you were quoting the mcdonalds menu. They both are idential. Completely meaningless to me. I don't care about biblical passages. I completely ignore them. They are just brainwashing mantras meant to instill the seed of the cult of christianity into you.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:52 am
The world exists. As do stars, the solar system, space, NASA, church, you, love, knowledge, etc...
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:59 am
anonymously99 wrote:

The world exists. As do stars, the solar system, space, NASA, church, you, love, knowledge, etc...

sure forms, so what? they are all empty of anything substantial. They all constantly change. Stars are made up of atoms, which are made up of even smaller particles that constantly change. The same for the rest of your examples. They never remain the same thing from one moment to the next. If they are constantly changing how can you claim them to be a substantial thing? You can't. It is an illusion.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 02:08 am
The world exists. As do stars, the solar system, space, NASA, church, you, love, knowledge, etc...

They're real.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 02:12 am
anonymously99 wrote:

They're real.

How are you making that comparison? You can't just say something is real. What are you comparing it to?
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 06:27 am
In the past I did say I am a non believer. That it is not possible for I to believe in something or someone I was uncertain, unsure of and who I didn't understand. It was the uncertainty and confusion I felt at heart of who I was. I was more confused as to who I was rather than my beliefs. But I did not openly deny God meaning I've never said that I deny him during the time of my confusion and uncertainty.

Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 06:29 am
How are you making that comparison? You can't just say something is real. What are you comparing it to?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 06:48 am
In the past there have been times I have acted out of ignorance, at times unaware of my actions.
For me to explain other times, when it comes to movies some actors/people act. Meaning they aren't themselves because they choose to act like someone other than themself. That is my life explained but there are times I chose because it was as if who I truly am was not accepted. I acted as if I was whoever people had in their head I was, who I felt they wanted me to be and/or who I felt I should be with them.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 09:34 am

Are you saying that is what I did? That I've done that?
No, no Anon, it is I who am the pantheist. In response to your q,

Dalehileman. I don't think you're making any sense.
, I was attempting to explain that the apparent lack of sense might owe to a generalized difficulty encountered by most, in accepting the pantheistic view

I'm sure some wonder, where is God and why isn't he helping them out of the suffering.
It's because She can't. She can do only what's possible, necessarily entailing a bit of suffering

You are a living, breathing creation of God...
Creation entails all sorts of logical difficulties and contradictions. It's much more reasonable to assume that She, It, has always existed, and that we are a perfectly natural phenom, just as She is, not requiring any specially creative effort
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 01:03 pm
I don't know what you're doing.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 04:04 pm
I don't know what you're doing.
Attempting to respond, apparently Anon not very successfully

If you'd specify just what's not clear I'd attempt a clarification
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 04:07 pm
I'm thinking too much.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 04:08 pm
Our Lord’s Commands

There are many commands our Lord has given us to obey. The two greatest are as follows:

- Jesus taught us in Matt. 22:37-38, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Our love for God must be the greatest and strongest love we have in our lives. We must put our Lord first in every endeavor we attempt, we must submit to our Master’s will in everything we do. We must obey His commands by doing everything He would have us do and abstaining from everything He would not have us do.- Jesus instructed us in Matt. 22:39, “And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” We try to love others as we would be loved. We are to love even our enemies and do good to those who do evil to us. Jesus also said in John 13:34, “As I have loved you love one another.” We must strive to love those in Christ as much as Jesus loved us.Jesus told us in Matt. 22:40, “All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.” These two commands supersede all others. They are the ones that should be emphasized to all children, they are the ones that should be put up on display for all to see, all to obey.

All sins come from the heart, they are spiritual. They come from the lack of an obedient love for our God, from the lack of a caring love for all people. It is impossible to list all the situations in which we sin by ignoring our God, by hurting our neighbors. Sometimes we are even unaware of the sins we commit. Jesus can forgive all of our sins except one. When we reject the Holy Spirit, not allowing Him into our hearts, not allowing Him to introduce us to our Lord, not allowing Him to keep Jesus in our hearts.

Some of our Lord’s commands were Old Covenant ceremonial laws to make the people aware of the Savior to come, and a means of forgiving their sins until He came. Jesus Christ’s death fulfilled these ceremonial laws, they are needed no more. We are to obey all of Christ’s commands that He taught us in the Gospels. We are also to follow the New Testament teachings of the apostles on how our Lord would have us live in the New Covenant. We should also obey the moral Old Covenant laws not redefined in the New Covenant. Listed below are other specific commands of our Lord. They are paraphrased from the Bible:

- That we should have no other gods, nor worship, bow down, or call upon any other idols, heavenly beings, statues, or anything else in heaven or earth.

- Do not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Do not curse by calling down the anger of God on anyone. Do not use His name carelessly or by swearing an oath to prove you are telling the truth where a simple yes or no will do. Do not swear falsely by His name.

- Do not lie. Tell the simple truth. Honor your pledges as God has honored His

- We should worship our God in fellowship with other Christians gladly hearing and learning His word. Each can worship any day or time they desire. Where two or three are gathered together in Christ’s name, He will be there also. We should support those are called for specific work by the Lord, both with prayers and sustaining them with their physical needs. We should bring the knowledge of our Lord to all nations. Congregations should be led by elders, men seasoned with a strong Christian faith and picked by the congregation they lead. Their requirements can be found in 1Timothy 3 and Titus 1. We should take our disputes to the elders to be settled quickly, trying to avoid secular courts.

- Honor your father and mother that it may be well with you and you will live long on the earth. Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly. Take care of the elderly especially caring for those in your own family.

- Do not kill. He who hates his brother is a murderer. Do not have rage or anger. Do not endanger anyone’s life. Dogood to those who offend you.

- Do not commit adultery. Do not commit fornication. He who lusts after another has already committed adultery in his heart. Neither the sexually immoral, adulterers, or homosexuals, will inherit the Kingdom of God. Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable to God. Do not have incest or marry certain relatives as listed in Lev. 20. Do not have sexual relations with animals. Do not rape. God detests those who dress to look like the other sex. The Christian husband is to love and treat his Christian wife as Christ loves and treats His church. The husband must be willing to give his life for his wife, always putting her and his children’s welfare above his own. The Christian wife is to love and submit to her Christian husband in all Godly endeavors. She is to dress modestly showing her inward gentleness and beauty, not outward vanity of sexuality, clothes, makeup, or jewelry.

- Do not steal. Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. Theft, deceit, swindling, and greed are evil. Steal no more but work to give to the needy.

-We should gladly do to the best of our ability the job our Lord has given us. Give to him that asks of you and from him that would borrow from you turn not away. Help others as we would like to be helped.

- Do not bear false witness against they neighbor. Slander is evil. Do not pervert justice, do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. Speak not evil of one of another. Do not have bitterness or malice. If there is a dispute go and discuss the matter between you and the person alone, then bring in others to rectify the situation. Be kind and compassionate.

- Do not desire your neighbor’s wife, nor covet any of his possessions. The world causes man to envy intensely. Having food and shelter be content with what you have.

- Forgive others as Christ forgives us. For if we do not forgive others Christ will not forgive our sins. Do not seek revenge, for revenge is for the Lord, not man. Do not bear a grudge against your neighbor.

- The evils of drunkenness, crude talk, arrogance, pride, and foolishness keep a man from the Kingdom of God. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

- Do not practice sorcery, nor turn to mediums or spiritualists for you will be defiled by them. Do not cut nor tattoo your body.

- Give to the poor and needy. Do not take advantage of your hired laborer, pay them their wages when they need them to live on.

- Obey government laws as long as they don’t conflict with God’s laws

If we commit any sin we have committed them all. Any sin (disobedience) keeps us from God, no matter what the sin is. There is only one cure for our sins. We must believe in Jesus Christ, acknowledge our sins, sincerely repent of them and trust in our Lord’s grace to forgive them. Puff, they are gone forever.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 04:18 pm
I'm thinking too much.
No offense whatever, Anon, but this seems literally true.

Seriously, there's a word for it

Here's another pertinent expr: "carried away"

Understand however, it's perfectly okay. Doubtless some would have so labeled Einstein's early speculations

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