I think this is more throwing trivia out to cloud the issues.
Well, since this is an "American protocoll", as Foxfyre testified, it certainly has to be obeyed - medieval as it may sound to others. (President Bush is wellknown of following correctly any -especially foreign- protocoll, you know :wink: )
It is typically disengenuous political maneuvering.
The perceived advantage (clearly, a somewhat real one, in that some are buying it/forwarding it) is to just generally discredit the two who left early, both Democrats.
Further, it throws attention onto something other than what the complainers do NOT want folks thinking of...all of the negatives presently attending the commission and Iraq.
And - along with other similar statements and attempts at discreditation, such as Ashcroft's testimony which included the attempt to discredit one commissioner, which the president has SAID was a no no, but the Justice Department's website still has the claim and a new one up - it seems pretty transparent as a pre-emptive move to discredit the commissions finding if they prove negative and embarrassing. There will be more of this.
This thread blows.
*leaves to make a meaningless thread regarding an unsubstantiated report of some random republican doing something vaguely questionable, like, I dunno, going to war on false pretenses*
Bad bad democrats. Only two had the gonads to walk. The entire panel should have walked once the coded body language kicked in. Like Bush is going to admit he was dying for a 9/11 event to kick off his warplans.