Off the top of my head and without too much deep thought, I present my list, subject to amendments:
I don't think we need to send troops all over the world to "fight" terrorism. I think we need to make more stringent laws to protect ourselves here, for one thing. A better plan around immigration and visa expiration checks, for another. We are a very open country but being so open that we don't really bother to do background checks or to know when/why people are entering and leaving the country is rather short-sighted. It would cost a lot, but surely less than the current war. We need to deal honestly with other countries and do the right thing more often. We should be cooperative with UN efforts around the globe. A world body is important, I would hope we have learned that, oftentimes, we need each other. We can send troops if and when they are needed to stomp out verified terrorists, with fair and impartial agreement from the countries affected. There wouldn't be an end date, but an ongoing effort and as part of our foreign policy to be forever vigilant, and fair to other nations. we have often been unfair, and this has never helped us, as far as terrorism goes.
After that, send all the religious fanatics each to their own country, somewhere around the Arctic or something, where they can await their just rewards without causing trouble to everyone else.