Wed 28 Apr, 2004 07:46 am
I bought some house-made bacon from my butcher the other day, and just ate a wicked sandwich made with some of it. So how do you like your bacon: Double-smoked, thick cut, thin cut, back, Irish cut, well, you get the idea.
Plain old Oscar Meyer's thin cut.
I'm with phoenix, but I tend to avoid it because of it's so greasy. I do indulge once in a blue moon though.
Double smoked bacon is less fatty, and so is good-quality butcher made bacon. Back bacon is actually quite lean. I like it grilled. Back bacon is cut from the loin, a tender, non-fatty piece of meat. Regular bacon comes from the belly, which is much more fatty. I use double-smoked bacon, cut into thick lardons, to flavour a whole bunch of dishes. The scent of it is amazing.
I also like double smoked bacon from my local butcher. Not cheap, but there's so little waste/rendered fat it's worth it.
Yeah, cjhsa, when it's done right, you can even eat the rind. I like it most in Boeuf Carbonnade, and mashed potatoes with the rendered bacon, and deeply caramelized onions.
I generally cut it off.
However, I have eaten it occasionally, or fed it to the dog.
Now pork belly is a whole other kettle of porcine fish. Rind and all, double cooked Chinese style, cubed, deep-fried, then braised....that rind rocks for tenderness and flavour.
You're making me drool. I do love the smell of cooking bacon. I have had smoked bacon before and from what I remember, it was really good. Yummy!!!!
Pork belly has become a good friend to me in hard, and a little goes a loooonnnng way. I suppose that's why it's always a good stock to buy.
I've never thought of it as cheap. Well, not where we live anyway.
I buy it wholesale. I think it was about eight bucks for three pounds last time...
I can get slabs of pork belly (uncured bacon) at the local Chinese market for about $1.99/lb, or less. I wouldn't know what to do with it, though I could probably figure something out.
You can make some homemade beans CJ. That's what I do and it's awesome. I also make what we call Poutin's. Good stuff.
Pork and beans, done proper, with LOTS of pork, is another fave of mine...
I always add extra pork in my beans and it comes out awesome. The pork I get is salted, so I soak the pork overnight first to get rid of some of the salt. could also just add the salted pork to the beans without soaking, and just don't add any extra salt.
I've tried that, but it still comes out too salty. Gotta watch the high blood pressure ;-)
Ahh...okay then. I understand.