i'm back with my daughter's in tow. they wanted to play with the computers and they are. they also wanted some kraft macaroni microwaveable stuff. as with all modern offices, we have a microwave. so they are happily munching away and doing something on the disney web site. (can't stand disney myself, but don't tell them that) my office building is without island power, but we have a humongous generator. as far as my girls are concerned, power is power, island, generator, whatever, and they get to play on the 'puter and eat microwaved macaroni and cheese.
Pueo...what an extravagant dad you are - nuked macaroni and Disney Channel - now that's living!
Deb - the juicer's great - having fun with the combinations. I love this time of year, when there are the most amazing variety of fruits around. I'm just about mangoed out, though. Bought another case of 20 yesterday, and am now down to serious mangoing, and meloning!
i think so too. my girls are like me, easy to please. in fact, they wanted another round of nuked mac & cheese and they are just munching away happy as can be foolin' around with disney. they can have just one more round, there's only six in a box.
All kids love macaroni and cheese - come to think of it, I do too!
me too, but i have to put alot of ground black pepper on it first.
Yumbo! Black pepper!
Margo - I hope your juicer has a kinder fate than mine - which lives all dejected and alone in the back of a top cupboard....
They are such buggers to clean! I have one of those insinkerator things now, so maybe I should drag it out - should be easier to clean over that thing - but so much water....hmmmmmmmm
How much is a case of mangoes, Margo? I never thought of doing such a thing...
Goodness me! Poor Pueo.
Good night, Pueo, and daughters...
g'night deb!
going to go soon (wails of no. no, daddy just a little while longer!) my girls sleep at 9:00. going on 8:00 pm right now
I popped open some canned mangoes yesterday - not real good....
never seen canned mangoes before. where are they from?
my girls love dried mangoes.
I love dried mangoes except they get stuck in my teeth.
Brand name is Ka-Me - they're in thailand.
that's strange, guam is just over the horizon from thailand. we have alot of thai food products, but i've never seen the canned mangoes.
packed in light syrup
have you ever looked for them?
i always look for new asian food products, it's my favorite type of food to cook. but i have not come across any canned mangoes.
I've had the canned mangoes from Thailand - they don't taste of anything much. Certainly not worth the effort, although a friend told me he had found some good ones. Not sure what brand he had, though!
I have about 15 fresh mangoes in my kitchen at present, and my house smells of mangoes!
Have you ever canned mangoes yourself, Margo?