it's still pretty early here 5:37 pm, but i'm going to go too.
good night all!
Way past bedtime. Goodnight pueo, goodnight Lash, goodnight c.
Good night Roger and Pueo.
I have to drive over a snowy mountain pass tomorrow, so I better get some rest.
Good night Pueo.
'Tis but early evening here!
Hey! Hold it down in there! Tryin' to sleep here!
G'nite, all.
OK Everybody up!
"Get up, get up, my buttercups,
The sun is coing up"!
Ahhhh, c'mon sarge ... just another few minutes?
Phoenix, that was a nice way to wake us up:) Would you believe it was 12:30 pm when I got up?
My mom had the most God-awful way of waking us, she would barge in like the March winds, yell at us to GET UP with such alarm in her voice, your whole, entire day was shot.
Sometimes I even hear her in my sleep, and jump up in a panic:)
Misti26- The problem with me, is no matter what time I go to bed, I get up with the roosters. When I was dating, I would stay out 'til 4. a.m., and still be up by 7:30. I would be a zombie for the rest of the day, but once I am up, I cannot stand to stay in bed!
Phoenix, I almost said, "wish I had your problem", but that's not true. I'm blessed to be able to sleep as I do, and I darn well know it.
I have a friend who sleeps 2 hrs. a nite, if she's lucky:(
Goodnight pueo.
oops! Sorry Timber
Is Pueo going to bed AGAIN! 'Tis but 6.45 pm where he is.......