g'night all.
where is everybody??
Harrumph! I am here!
.....briefly...... it HAS been a bit dead lately, hasn't it?
yes, it's been dead lately. sort of like when i was on afuzz. not too many people up in our time zone.
No - not even Craven any more. Where is that pesky Monger?
or wilso, margo, msolga, mr. stillwater, or the kiwi's?
Debacle should be up soon.....
only - I spent me Abuzz girlhood being tantalised by tales of legendary jousts between you and Debacle......but.......?
yeah, ain't seen d around in a while. he's another crazy one.
Hmmmmmmmm -and I am about to go offline......gd evng Pueo!!!!!
But d(ahling)lowan, I am always here when u r !!!!
How cud u forget me ???
there was a merry band of funsters on afuzz in the olden day.
andrewt/phishheads, debacle/tiny morsel, vsecrets, jef2k, a'a, c.i., me/phearlessphly, and a host of the bostonians.
ah, what fun we had. too bad you were not around then.
oh not to forget, jcarbon and countfathom
g'night deb
g'night gautam
nobody online but me and 5 guest users.......
Its g'morning for me mate !!!
Its 0930 here !!
<wondering who the guests are>
never know who the guests are. hopefully they sign up. the more the better.
another hohum day on the South Pacific Rim - Great full moon -
everyone should do a howl.
aloha -
today i went to the animal shelter and acquired a popoki, a lovely
7 mo old sealpoint siamese male which I named Pake. Actually I don't pick him up until Friday at the vets, one stipulation of the shelter is that the animals have to be nutured. Too many feral popoki on the loose.