Sat 8 Mar, 2014 06:03 pm
I love you so much
Your friend ,
Dear Daylight Savings Time:
You fuckhead. I will lose an hour of sleep this weekend. And for what?
an extra wonderful hour of daylight all spring, summer and part of the Fall
I hate fresh air and green growing plants.
I know I'm strange in this, but I prefer it when it gets dark early.
When I was a child, having the sun stay up so late would make me feel sad and anxious.
I guess in a previous life, I was some nocturnal animal, maybe a wombat or a lemur.
In my part of the country that just gives us an extra hour of near 100 degree temperatures. Sure, it's nice in spring, before the oven sets in.
you got that right edgar.
There's a lot of condo/apartment building going on here, and I always look at the units that are facing West.
I'm seeing people are moving into them, from items on the balcony. I think to myself "Who the hell would buy a place around here that is directly facing West ?"
Put me on the East or at least the North side thanks.
I've got the unusual eye thing, night blindness, as part of retinitis pigmentosa. It took me 45 minutes to adapt going into a dark room, when tested long ago now.
Since I knew I had it, I've never driven at night, but also not in anywhere near twilight, as one can get caught in traffic. I found that out in 1987 or 88. That cuts out a lot of a day.
I don't see many sunsets, since I'm not out there - except back in my marriage, husband driving, or after, in someone else's car.
I've adapted, but I still have certain joys, and daylight savings in Spring is one of mine.
Not my business, but what does Squinney think? (Hi to her)
squinney is happy with about everything since she's married to me. Every day is Christmas, 4th. of July and New Years Eve for her.
Edgar, we get the 100+ temps all the time with the added bonus of 250% ball dripping humidity. I like it. Removes all the toxins.
Ok, then. Still hi from me.
I've no interest in reading that. Tell me the point of view?
ossobuco wrote:
I've no interest in reading that. Tell me the point of view?
Kind of ruins the point of the joke but alright:
Quote:Dear Daylight Savings Time,
Return our hour of sleep before Monday morning or else! If you can't return our hour of sleep by then give us $10,000,000 in unmarked bearer bonds in the trashcan on the fifth floor of the Midtown Manhattan library.
Do so or we'll feed Baby New Years to the sharks at the New York Aquarium.
I don't see what the beef is here. I'll just sleep in later. Then, i'll probably need to take a nap later. That will no doubt exhaust me, necessitating another nap, later in the day.
The rest of will have to get up earlier.
As if we could cut off a piece of string, tie it on the other end, and have a longer piece of string.
Thank you.
I would have been pissed to read my way through that morass to find that out.
The string is the same length but there's more daylight in the DST matrix. . As for me, like the big dawg, I just sleep until I'm ready to wake up anyway so time, in the morning anyway, has little meaning to me,. I do love a sunny day though. It's not the quantity of the string, it's the quality. That's good for life in general
That's the first straight answer I've ever had to that question.
Just when I got used to the blank looks.
Why do I not like daylight saving?
We do not save electricity at all, even use more. The mornings are dark when you get up early so you have to turn on the light. In the evening you do the same things as always like cooking, watching TV etc.
Up in northern Europe with the long bright nights one do not need it at all and in the south there is less time to cool down the house from the heat of the day till you go to bed. People do not air conditions. I have even noticed it here. On hot days when we wanted to cool down the house we had one hour less.
The cows cannot get used to be milked one hour later, babies do not like to be fed one hour later and people depended on regular mdedicin have troubles too.
I get up early to mowe the lawn and canĀ“t do it as it is still damp.
I am hungry at the wrong time of the day
There are more traffic accidents the first days of daylight saving.
I better stop complaining as the list is long.