Responding to edgar's--
Most of the talk of dumping Kerry seems to me to be coming from non Democrats - a sort of, "Let's you and him fight."
I wouldn't have added it here, if what I'd heard had been coming just from conservative sources.
I've heard continued speculation from big Dem supporters on CNN, and read in articles (not right leaning)... (Of course, I view them as big Dem supporters
Its like the party is putting out feelers to gauge public reaction. I really don't have a partisan agenda with this comment. Just interested.
I should say Bush is not doing terribly well at present--and you'd think Kerry would be capitalizing on it--but he's floundering, too. You'd think there would be one or two people in this country people could be excited about.
Shall we do an American Idol Presidential Candidate? (I actually heard there would be such a production...)
Frankly, this may be the best answer to rid ourselves of the crooks on our payroll, since they all refuse finance reform...