Sun 16 Feb, 2014 05:22 pm
Is this entertainment?
'Snake Salvation' TV star Jamie Coots dies after being bitten
Feb. 16, 2014, 3:22 PM EST
By Todd Cunningham
Jamie Coots, a star of the National Geographic TV reality series "Snake Salvation," died Saturday after being bitten by a snake and refusing medical treatment.
Coots was one of two pastors from a Pentacostal church in Middleboro Ky. featured on the show about snake handling at a sect of Christian churches in Kentucky, Alabama, West Virginia and Tennessee, where worshippers believe faith will protect them from the venom of poisonous snakes.
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Coots' death was reported Sunday by Kentucky's Lexington-Herald Leader.
Coots was bitten on his right hand by a snake. An ambulance crew and firefighters tried to talk Coots into going to the hospital, but he refused treatment, according to the report.
Coots had suffered serious bites twice before. He told the Herald-Leader that he nearly died in the early 1990s when a large rattlesnake bit him on the left arm, and in 1998, a rattlesnake he was handling suddenly struck the middle finger of his right hand.
Coots refused treatment for the excruciating bites in both of those cases.
"It's a victory to God's people that the Lord seen fit to bring me through it," he said the day after the bite in 1998.
Clearly this guy has earned his Darwin Award.
What does this say to his followers now? I guess it says his faith was not strong enough. Hopefully they will disband that church before someone else dies. The EMTs were there and he wouldn't let them treat him. Not good to tempt God.
Not entertainment to me, but if that is part of his beliefs, it's fine with me.
Not entertainment - not sure of my word for it, yet.
I used to be a fervent believer, though not at that level, somewhat different beliefs. Later I tried my best to be a fervent believer. I stopped with it, since I didn't believe anymore, many decades ago, but won't deride faith of others, no matter what I think of it, unless they promote it, and there's the rub. The world is full of both believers and hucksters of many sorts on many subjects, and this guy seems a mix to me, both a huckster of major proportion and possibly believing what he preached. Or, more likely, wanting to test it, having basic doubt under it all.
Not entertainment. A story ended.
The problem with these guys (mny religions believe in fith healing). I find it brbric to withhold treatment for ones ward or child based on ones own beliefs.
If coots withheld treatment from himself, too bd but not my call. If he withheld it from his kid, string him up!
The belief thing is one issue. But putting this on reality TV is another. What's next, televising suicide?
Entertainment it isn't. Documentary perhaps?
Or a training film on why not to play with poisonous snakes.
Well yeah, but all I need is to identify them. Not that I play with other snakes.
It, Doomsday Preppers and A2K are revealing looks at the American electorate.
All snakes are edible. Keep that in mind in case the Romulans invade.