@Finn dAbuzz,
It's so nice to have fans. I don't believe JTT was involved in this discussion, so when he appeared I wondered if it was simply because he follows me, just as you follow me. I was right, he didn't have anything to offer, just annoyed that I'm still here. Now that brings me to you, are you anxious to describe a harrowing experience where teen boys at a gas station scared you so badly, you had to place your Stetson on your head, put on your jangly spurs, and then shoot the bejesus out of them for offending your sensibilities?
I didn't think so, you just wanted to remind me I looked at that other disturbed individual twice. I do want to thank you, I already knew I responded twice to the the village idiot, but it was sweet of you to point it out again.
Maybe I owe you an apology, are you and JTT the same person? He spouts vile condemnations of everything American, but you simply scoff at all the poor misguided folks who post here, because you are not entirely sure if you are a realist or just a contrary old fart. It's not too far afield to think you might be the same person. Please let me know, I'd be happy to put both persona on ignore. Of course if both persona are still obsessed with me, please remember, just because I put you on ignore, doesn't mean you can't read my comments. It just means I won't see yours unless I feel like it. I seldom feel like it, and on those times I do check, it's just more of the same ol same ol.
I'd love to chat more, but when you encourage the mentally feeble, they keep asking questions, I care not to waste any more of my time. You understand, I'm sure.