Find me in the fully permissive corner
here are my Results
Your Moralising Quotient is: 0.07.
Your Interference Factor is: 0.00.
Your Universalising Factor is: 0.00. ??? can i claim a prize somewhere or will i be reported to the (im)morality police ? hbg
Well, now we know where I get the fully permissive thing from!
tho I'm not sure I approve of my father having seen some of those questions.
The test seems to confuse morality with views on sex.
I'm thinking about sayings like 'she's got the morals of an alley cat' - that's pretty much always used in the context of someone's attitudes/activities related to sex. I don't think there's a straight-line relationship between sex and morality, but I do think there is a relationship. Someplace between joined at the hip, and not related.
The relationship is that sex is a polemic subject on which individual moral compasses frequently differ.
But one's morality is not defined by sex, how one views sex is defined by one's morality.
Morality covers many issues, sex is just a subset of them.
If this test was not so sex-centric, my score would be different.
Lol - I am .13 for moralizing - I don't wanna see dead chickens stuffed, nor pet cats eaten, either.
Zilch for the other 2.
I think that perhaps it is due to the fact that a lot of morals are based around sex, and sexual stuff. Besides, that sex with a chicken question was just disturbing.
Well, I guess it all depends on what your morals are based on.
Mine are not based on how distasteful or revolting I find an act to be.
Aha- my reply is oudated! Drats! But I too think my score would be different without all the sex.
What definition are we going by Craven?
Main Entry: 1mor·al
Pronunciation: 'mor-&l, 'mär-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL <moral judgments> b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior <a moral poem> c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment <a moral obligation> e : capable of right and wrong action <a moral agent>
2 : probable though not proved : VIRTUAL <a moral certainty>
3 : having the effects of such on the mind, confidence, or will <a moral victory> <moral support>
- mor·al·ly /-&-lE/ adverb
synonyms MORAL, ETHICAL, VIRTUOUS, RIGHTEOUS, NOBLE mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. MORAL implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong <the basic moral values of a community>. ETHICAL may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity <committed to the highest ethical principles>. VIRTUOUS implies the possession or manifestation of moral excellence in character <not a religious person, but virtuous nevertheless>. RIGHTEOUS stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious <wished to be righteous before God and the world>. NOBLE implies moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character <had the noblest of reasons for seeking office>.
Craven de Kere wrote:But one's morality is not defined by sex, how one views sex is defined by one's morality.
I'm not fully convinced here, but i'd rather sleep than mull right now.
I don't think my results would be too different if the questions weren't sex-based. I usually end up in the same corner in this sort of quiz.
1a works just fine. The clarifications you seek are not to be found in dictionaries.
ehBeth wrote:Craven de Kere wrote:But one's morality is not defined by sex, how one views sex is defined by one's morality.
I'm not fully convinced here, but i'd rather sleep than mull right now.
I don't think my results would be too different if the questions weren't sex-based. I usually end up in the same corner in this sort of quiz.
That your result would be the same would really say nothing about which is the chicken.
OoOOo....I seek clarifications..... I think that people can define morals as however they please, just as they define right and wrong. People's rights and wrongs differ. I respect people's free choice, but I know my outlook is somewhat altered by my belief system. ....It's really late, do I make sense? I'm going to bed now....hope to continue this later....sehr interessant....
I think that in today's world, sex and morals are probably not as 'joined at the hip' as they were, say, in the Victorian era.Morals pertaining to sex has loosened considerably since the 1960's. For's no longer considered shameful for a teenager or woman to become pregnant out of, it's acceptable for an unmarried couple to live together without the benefit of marriage...these days, a woman isn't considered a tramp if she dates/sleeps with more than one man at a time.
I think that most of society finds incest immoral, having sex with animals immoral, as well as bigamy, homosexuality and pedophelia immoral.