I'm sure you have documentation for that Infowarrior? I would like to see a quote from anything Bush has ever said that would suggest he holds that view. I'm not even sure Billy Graham held that view.
But back to the thesis of the thread:
Every U.S. President in my lifetime has been a professed Christian and, at various times, have included statements re God, Christianity, the Bible, etc. in their speeches and commentary.
Consider the following which is just a tiny sampling of religion-based quotes from Bill Clinton's speeches of which nobody, including me, thought untoward in any way:
"I don't think I could do my job as President," Clinton said, "much less continue to try to grow as a person in the absence of
my faith in God and my attempt to learn more about what it should be and grow. It
provides a solace and support in the face of all these problems that I am not smart enough to solve."
(ABC Interview by Peggy Wehmeyer, "American Agenda", March 22, 1994.)
The children of this country can learn in a profound way that integrity is important and selfishness is wrong, but God can change us and make us strong at the broken places. I want to embody those lessons for the children of this country -- for that little boy in Florida who came up to me and said that he wanted to grow up and be President and to be just like me. I want the parents of all the children in America to be able to say that to their children. -- Bill Clinton at National Prayer Breakfast 9/11/98
During the speech, President Clinton drew on the Gospel of Matthew and Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians.42 In the concluding portion of his speech, the President defined the close relationship he saw between religion and politics:
So I say to you, we believe that our politics should be guided by what our Lord said was the first and most important commandment and the second is like unto it. First we must try to love the Lord, our God, with all our heart. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.43
To pluck a line re God or faith out of a speech and declare that this is proof positive that George Bush is somehow improperly using religion to establish policy flies in the face of the evidence.